

Junaid M

  • Login: junaid
  • Registered on: 10/11/2022
  • Last connection: 03/18/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 16 0 16
Reported issues 184 5 189


Project Roles Registered on
TAAS Developer 10/11/2022



11:21 AM TAAS Feature #468 (Coding Done): Custom Data In Invoice/Soa Print
Junaid M


03:48 PM TAAS Feature #520: Sale Import
GUI Assigned to Athira K K
Coding Amal CK
Refer-Account Import (Similar GUI)
Junaid M
03:48 PM TAAS Feature #520 (Coding Started): Sale Import
Junaid M
10:01 AM TAAS Feature #491: AMEX File Generation
Live Test Account Created By Amex Team
Generate AMEX file for testing
Sheet Passwords: amex123
Junaid M
10:00 AM TAAS Feature #491 (Coding Started): AMEX File Generation
Junaid M


04:22 PM TAAS Feature #450: Dashboard
Joury Travels Dashboard Junaid M


10:31 AM TAAS Feature #426 (Coding Done): Seyahaty Requirements
Junaid M
10:27 AM TAAS Feature #498: VAT Invoice with QR Code and zatca portal integration
QR Code Done Junaid M


10:10 AM TAAS Feature #505: In Sale/Refund Datapush REST Api Add Fields for Custom Data
1. In Corporate Custom field module there is System Name for each field mapping. use that mapping for integration
2. ...
Junaid M
10:08 AM TAAS Feature #505 (New): In Sale/Refund Datapush REST Api Add Fields for Custom Data
Junaid M

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