



From 03/11/2025 to 03/20/2025


06:31 PM Feature #508 (New Changes Coding Done): File No Validation in File No Input GUI Modules
Greeshma S
06:31 PM Feature #490 (New Changes Coding Done): AMEX File Settings
Greeshma S
12:31 PM Feature #490 (New Changes): AMEX File Settings
New Change
--> Add "Client Number" Textbox. title --> Travel Agent's account number for client-company...
Junaid M
06:31 PM Feature #341 (New Changes Coding Done): Print Settings
Greeshma S
02:14 PM Feature #341 (New Changes): Print Settings
In the PDF tab --> Main table column tabs--> below adjustment filed:
Arathy PS
06:31 PM Feature #280 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Target
Greeshma S
02:47 PM Feature #280 (Reopen Bugs): Set Target
1. Incorrect amount in the balance column.
Arathy PS
06:30 PM Feature #83 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set File Status
Greeshma S
10:47 AM Feature #83 (Reopen Bugs): Set File Status
Issue Found
1)Data is not clearing in new click---- not a bug
Theja Ponon
06:07 PM Feature #74 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Counter Staff
Arathy PS
12:50 PM Feature #74 (Reopen Bugs): Counter Staff
Arathy PS
04:58 PM Feature #186: Transfer Cancel
Implemented Set Fee/ Discount. Baseem Shan
04:57 PM Feature #183: Hotel Cancel
Implemented Set Fee/ Discount. Baseem Shan
04:57 PM Feature #176: Transfer Issue
Implemented Set Fee/ Discount. Baseem Shan
04:56 PM Feature #173: Hotel Issue
Implemented Set Fee/ Discount Baseem Shan
03:51 PM Feature #60 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Customer
Sreeranjini T
10:43 AM Feature #60 (Reopen Bugs): Customer
In the cost centre tab mandatory field overlaps with add button-- adjust the...
Arathy PS
02:49 PM Feature #284 (Reopen Bugs): Target Tracker
1. Not showing achieved target amount or % for a child string in tracker.
Arathy PS
02:29 PM Feature #298 (Reopen Bugs): Against Sale
Issue Found
1)Issue date changes on against sale
Theja Ponon
12:59 PM Feature #147 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Customer Overdue Report
Augustin Jose
12:00 PM Feature #147 (Reopen Bugs): Customer Overdue Report
Issue Fixed
1)Data is not getting when giving as on date at the end of bill period
Theja Ponon
12:40 PM Feature #373: In All Account Master Modules - Connect Workflow of Approval Status
->By: User Name(Date & Time)
Anil KV
12:17 PM Feature #373: In All Account Master Modules - Connect Workflow of Approval Status
While user is logged in and the account status is 'Not active (need approval)' then they shouldn't be able to change ... Arathy PS
12:39 PM Feature #372: In All Document - Connect Workflow of Document Status, Posting Status
->By: User Name(Date & Time)
Anil KV
12:20 PM Feature #372: In All Document - Connect Workflow of Document Status, Posting Status
While user is logged in and the document status is 'Not active (need approval)' then they shouldn't be able to change... Arathy PS
12:34 PM Feature #111 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Payment+
Augustin Jose
11:59 AM Feature #111 (Reopen Bugs): Payment+
1. If the currency in cheque and the same currency is not present in ban...
Arathy PS
11:46 AM Feature #125 (Testing Done): Opening Balance
Theja Ponon
11:39 AM Feature #125 (Reopen Bugs): Opening Balance
Theja Ponon
11:09 AM Feature #81 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): File Open
Baseem Shan
10:37 AM Feature #133 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Collection Report
Sreeranjini T
10:36 AM Feature #134 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Payment Report
Sreeranjini T
09:44 AM Feature #134 (Reopen Bugs): Payment Report
Sreeranjini T
10:11 AM Feature #521: Add Date field near Status field in all Master Modules
Add Date field near Status field in all master Modules which has status field. Arathy PS
10:11 AM Feature #521 (New): Add Date field near Status field in all Master Modules
Arathy PS
10:08 AM Feature #519 (Coding Started): Add Date field near Status field in all Account Modules
Nawal Sidique
09:44 AM Feature #76 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Fee/Discount
Sreeranjini T
09:30 AM Feature #118 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Received Cheque Deposit
Vivekp V


06:39 PM Feature #381 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Collection
Vivekp V
06:24 PM Feature #283 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Target List
Greeshma S
04:03 PM Feature #283 (Reopen Bugs): Target List
Issue Found
1)Target name is not showing in the grid
Theja Ponon
06:24 PM Feature #280 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Target
Greeshma S
03:12 PM Feature #280: Set Target
Issue Found
1)On reloading the target
2)Branch ,service is defualty unti...
Theja Ponon
02:43 PM Feature #280 (Reopen Bugs): Set Target
Theja Ponon
06:24 PM Feature #272 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Main Ledger Statement
Greeshma S
12:59 PM Feature #272 (Reopen Bugs): Main Ledger Statement
1. When we try to ascend or descend the datas using credit/debit columns.
Arathy PS
06:13 PM Feature #458 (Reopen Bugs): Bulk Print of Invoice/Document
1. When select all the items in the grid print is not showing.
2. Against s...
Arathy PS
06:12 PM Feature #118 (Reopen Bugs): Received Cheque Deposit
1. Missing translation in grid columns.
Arathy PS
05:06 PM Feature #252 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): GDS Productivity Report
Nawal Sidique
04:53 PM Feature #258 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Cost Centre Productivity Report
Nawal Sidique
04:41 PM Feature #113 (Reopen Bugs): Journal
1. Can't settle using against doc field.
2. No field for showing amount in base ...
Arathy PS
03:00 PM Feature #168: Sale
Issue Found
1)Issue on updating sale after bank reco
2) Not showing data i...
Theja Ponon
02:43 PM Feature #77 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Fee/Discount List
Sreeranjini T
02:23 PM Feature #112 (Reopen Bugs): Debit Credit Note
1. Wrong total amount in print.
2. Not...
Arathy PS
02:11 PM Feature #184 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Other Cancel
Vivekp V
02:11 PM Feature #175 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Other Issue
Vivekp V
01:50 PM Feature #150 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Ledger Statement
Amal Ck
12:08 PM Feature #310 (New Changes Coding Done): Assets Sale/Write off
Amal Ck
10:22 AM Feature #298 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Against Sale
Baseem Shan
09:31 AM Feature #134 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Payment Report
Sreeranjini T
09:08 AM Feature #473 (Particialy Coding Done): Workflow Issue In Voucher Stock
Amal Ck


07:08 PM Feature #378 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Payment Single
Augustin Jose
05:57 PM Feature #295 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): User Activity Report
Greeshma S
04:13 PM Feature #295 (Reopen Bugs): User Activity Report
Issue Found
1)On redirection by clicking the doc number ,data is not loading in respective module
Theja Ponon
05:07 PM Feature #252 (Reopen Bugs): GDS Productivity Report
1. Not showing GDS grouping in the print of details tab - FIXED
Arathy PS
05:01 PM Feature #77 (Reopen Bugs): Set Fee/Discount List
1. When category bank is selected then data is not showing.
2. Data of part...
Arathy PS
04:07 PM Feature #122: Ticket Issue
1. Not showing billing tax based on region (shows the region only when you focus ...
Arathy PS
02:40 PM Feature #377 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Receipt Single
Augustin Jose
02:40 PM Feature #110 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Receipt+
Augustin Jose
02:28 PM Feature #3 (New Changes Testing Done): City Master
Theja Ponon
02:10 PM Feature #108 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Billing Tax Equation
Arathy PS
01:21 PM Feature #258 (Reopen Bugs): Cost Centre Productivity Report
1. not showing while grouping using customer - FIXED
2. While grouping using custo...
Arathy PS
01:18 PM Feature #298 (Reopen Bugs): Against Sale
Issue Found
FIXED - 1)Date of parent doc is changing on against sale
Theja Ponon
12:32 PM Feature #133: Collection Report
Issue Found
1)On choosing BASE1(qar) on currency
2)On changing curre...
Theja Ponon
12:14 PM Feature #133 (Reopen Bugs): Collection Report
Issue Found
1)On choosing BASE1(qar) on currency
Theja Ponon
12:30 PM Feature #134 (Reopen Bugs): Payment Report
Issue Fixed
1)In case of changing currency
Theja Ponon
12:14 PM Feature #76 (Reopen Bugs): Set Fee/Discount
1. Can set a fee for label with based on as same label. ( eg: can set a fee fo...
Arathy PS
10:50 AM Feature #513 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): City Import
Vivekp V
10:16 AM Feature #121 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Document Search
Shilpa Pavithran


06:36 PM Feature #155 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Bank Book
Greeshma S
06:35 PM Feature #72 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Pax Profile
Greeshma S
10:41 AM Feature #72 (Reopen Bugs): Pax Profile
Issue Found
1)Booking rule tab is not removing on removing main account
2)Code sharing airline is not loa...
Theja Ponon
06:35 PM Feature #424 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Collection Status
Greeshma S
02:25 PM Feature #424 (Reopen Bugs): Set Collection Status
Theja Ponon
02:25 PM Feature #424: Set Collection Status
Issue Found
1)Incorrect value in due amount field
Theja Ponon
06:14 PM Feature #380 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Overdue List
Vivekp V
02:01 PM Feature #380 (Reopen Bugs): Overdue List
1)data is not getting when giving as on end at the end of bill date
Theja Ponon
05:21 PM Feature #378 (Reopen Bugs): Payment Single
1. If the currency in cheque and the same currency is not present in ban...
Arathy PS
05:17 PM Feature #165 (Reopen Bugs): Bank Reconciliation
1. Data not showing in the 'Uncleared Paid Cheque'.
2. Data in difference...
Arathy PS
04:49 PM Feature #513 (Reopen Bugs): City Import
Issue Found
1)show correct error message in case of any issue :
this module is based on excel import and mus...
Theja Ponon
04:38 PM Feature #387 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Collection Search
Nawal Sidique
01:47 PM Feature #281 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Pop-up Against Docs Search (shared)
Sreeranjini T
01:05 PM Feature #158: Document Submission
Issue Found
1)On submitting the document on same day of doc date
Theja Ponon
12:52 PM Feature #110 (Reopen Bugs): Receipt+
1. Load POS/PG based on Fop Currency (If pos/pg currency is different fro...
Arathy PS
12:51 PM Feature #377 (Reopen Bugs): Receipt Single
1. Charge not showing based on the percentage and amount we entered in POS/P...
Arathy PS
10:27 AM Feature #508 (New Changes): File No Validation in File No Input GUI Modules
1. Add file no: validation in File No Input GUI Modules: File Open Customer cur...
Arathy PS
10:11 AM Feature #117 (New Changes Coding Done): Intra Bank Transfer
Sreeranjini T
10:10 AM Feature #218 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Paid Cheque Query
Sreeranjini T
10:00 AM Feature #112 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Debit Credit Note
Sreeranjini T
09:59 AM Feature #82 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): File Open List
Sreeranjini T
08:52 AM Feature #475 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): File Close(Dynamic Posting Package)
Nawal Sidique


06:07 PM Feature #353 (New Changes Coding Done): Assets Sales Return
Greeshma S
11:53 AM Feature #353 (New Changes): Assets Sales Return
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
06:07 PM Feature #458 (Coding Done): Bulk Print of Invoice/Document
Greeshma S
06:06 PM Feature #490 (New Changes Coding Done): AMEX File Settings
Greeshma S
06:06 PM Feature #83 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set File Status
Greeshma S
12:52 PM Feature #83 (Reopen Bugs): Set File Status
Issue Found
1)Cant change the file status into complete when all items are in active state(sold) and admin...
Theja Ponon
06:06 PM Feature #295 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): User Activity Report
Greeshma S
02:11 PM Feature #295 (Reopen Bugs): User Activity Report
Issue Found
1)In master tab seperate entry for received and paid cheque when any doc with this master us...
Theja Ponon
06:06 PM Feature #424 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Collection Status
Greeshma S
04:08 PM Feature #424 (Reopen Bugs): Set Collection Status
Issue Found
1)Incorrect value in due amount
Theja Ponon
05:16 PM Feature #387 (Reopen Bugs): Collection Search
Issue Found
1)Doc date is missing in print - FIXED
2)check the date filter - FIXED
Theja Ponon
04:02 PM Feature #381: Collection
Issue Found
1)Incorrect value in total balance
2)Incorrect value in bala...
Theja Ponon
03:41 PM Feature #381 (Reopen Bugs): Collection
Theja Ponon
03:28 PM Feature #82 (Reopen Bugs): File Open List
1. Showing data even though LPO no: is provided and LPO no: pending check box ...
Arathy PS
03:09 PM Feature #81 (Reopen Bugs): File Open
ON HOLD - 1. Service not changing to pending service when the invoice containing ...
Arathy PS
02:44 PM Feature #232 (Reopen Bugs): Merged Ledger Statement
Issue Found
1)Data is not showing in Uncleared paid and Uncleared Received Cheque
Theja Ponon
02:34 PM Feature #150 (Reopen Bugs): Ledger Statement
Issue Found
(DONE)1)Data is not showing in Uncleared paid and Uncleared Received Cheque(Issue from sale&Ref...
Theja Ponon
01:22 PM Feature #119 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Received Cheque Return
Vivekp V
01:12 PM Feature #119 (Reopen Bugs): Received Cheque Return
1)No validation on adding extra amount than cheque amount on extra collection to another pa...
Theja Ponon
12:02 PM Feature #75 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Airline
Arathy PS
10:14 AM Feature #75 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Airline
Shilpa Pavithran
10:12 AM Feature #75 (Closed): Airline
Shilpa Pavithran
11:55 AM Feature #306: Assets Purchase
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
11:55 AM Feature #309: Assets Depreciation
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
11:55 AM Feature #310 (New Changes): Assets Sale/Write off
(DONE)Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, ...
Arathy PS
11:54 AM Feature #311: Assets Allocation
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
11:31 AM Feature #155 (Reopen Bugs): Bank Book
Issue Found
1)Amount is not showing in uncleared paid cheque
2)Incorrect Dr,Cr label in print of deta...
Theja Ponon
11:21 AM Feature #468 (Coding Done): Custom Data In Invoice/Soa Print
Junaid M
11:21 AM Feature #519 (Ready for Coding): Add Date field near Status field in all Account Modules
Anil KV
10:20 AM Feature #191: Document History
Working of compare button Arathy PS
10:20 AM Feature #191 (New Changes): Document History
Arathy PS
10:18 AM Feature #262 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Ledger Summary - Popup
Sreeranjini T
10:06 AM Feature #114 (New Changes Coding Done): Cash Transfer
Athira KK
09:51 AM Feature #116 (New Changes Coding Done): Cash Withdrawal
Shilpa Pavithran
08:48 AM Feature #520 (Coding Started): Sale Import
Amal Ck
08:42 AM Feature #258 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Cost Centre Productivity Report
Nawal Sidique
08:41 AM Feature #245 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Airline Classwise Report
Nawal Sidique


06:37 PM Feature #10 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Payment Terms Master
Augustin Jose
03:25 PM Feature #10 (Reopen Bugs): Payment Terms Master
Issue Fixed
1)Bill period is showing incorrectly
Theja Ponon
06:37 PM Feature #224 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Customer Document Wise SOA
Augustin Jose
06:37 PM Feature #225 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Customer Item Wise SOA
Augustin Jose
06:37 PM Feature #226 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Customer Service Wise SOA
Augustin Jose
06:27 PM Feature #381 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Collection
Vivekp V
04:54 PM Feature #381 (Reopen Bugs): Collection
1)A random date is showing in date field when redirecting from overdue
Theja Ponon
06:16 PM Feature #78 (New Changes Coding Done): Voucher Stock
Greeshma S
06:16 PM Feature #315 (New Changes Coding Done): Package Stock
Greeshma S
06:16 PM Feature #324 (New Changes Coding Done): Paid Cheque Cancel
Greeshma S
10:23 AM Feature #324 (New Changes): Paid Cheque Cancel
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
06:16 PM Feature #170 (New Changes Coding Done): ADM/ACM Master
Greeshma S
10:25 AM Feature #170 (New Changes): ADM/ACM Master
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
06:15 PM Feature #171 (New Changes Coding Done): ADM/ACM Adjustment
Greeshma S
10:54 AM Feature #171 (New Changes): ADM/ACM Adjustment
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
06:15 PM Feature #115 (New Changes Coding Done): Cash Deposit
Greeshma S
10:19 AM Feature #115 (New Changes): Cash Deposit
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
06:09 PM Feature #75 (Reopen Bugs): Airline
1. Main ledger not loading when act as account check box is ticked
Arathy PS
03:43 PM Feature #74 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Counter Staff
Arathy PS
03:42 PM Feature #299 (New Changes Coding Done): Group Sale
Baseem Shan
09:40 AM Feature #299 (New Changes): Group Sale
Arathy PS
01:34 PM Feature #257 (Reopen Bugs): Service Productivity Report
1. Amount showing while grouping based on customer is wrong( when AR sharing is...
Arathy PS
01:19 PM Feature #258 (Reopen Bugs): Cost Centre Productivity Report
Cost centre gets missing from its field
Arathy PS
12:34 PM Feature #120 (New Changes Coding Done): Received Cheque Cancel
Vivekp V
10:22 AM Feature #120 (New Changes): Received Cheque Cancel
Set Document Id in Posting DONE
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, S...
Arathy PS
12:34 PM Feature #119 (New Changes Coding Done): Received Cheque Return
Vivekp V
10:21 AM Feature #119 (New Changes): Received Cheque Return
Set Document Id in Posting DONE
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, S...
Arathy PS
12:34 PM Feature #118 (New Changes Coding Done): Received Cheque Deposit
Vivekp V
10:21 AM Feature #118 (New Changes): Received Cheque Deposit
Set Document Id in Posting DONE
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, S...
Arathy PS
12:22 PM Feature #400 (Reopen Bugs): Sale Module New UI Without-Popup
1. Supplier currency gets missing in edit mode (BSP Supplier, tried to do AP shar...
Arathy PS
11:22 AM Feature #423 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Payment Due Penalty
Augustin Jose
11:22 AM Feature #111 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Payment+
Augustin Jose
10:14 AM Feature #111: Payment+
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
11:11 AM Feature #174 (Reopen Bugs): Visa Issue
Issue Found
1)Asking to allow partial payment in case of paying full amount through AP Sharing
Theja Ponon
11:10 AM Feature #184 (Reopen Bugs): Other Cancel
1)Asking to allow partial payment in case of paying full amount through AP Sharing
Theja Ponon
11:07 AM Feature #176: Transfer Issue
Issue Found
FIXED - 1)Ap sharing with giving corporate card in Transfer tab ,asking to allow partial pa...
Theja Ponon
11:03 AM Feature #175 (Reopen Bugs): Other Issue
1)While doing AP sharing with full amount then also asking to allow partial payment
Theja Ponon
10:44 AM Feature #298 (New Changes Coding Done): Against Sale
Baseem Shan
10:04 AM Feature #298 (New Changes): Against Sale
ADDED - Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st tim...
Arathy PS
10:23 AM Feature #285: Paid Cheque Return
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
10:21 AM Feature #117 (New Changes): Intra Bank Transfer
Set Document Id in Posting - Fixed
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time...
Arathy PS
10:20 AM Feature #116 (New Changes): Cash Withdrawal
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
10:17 AM Feature #114 (New Changes): Cash Transfer
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
10:15 AM Feature #112 (Reopen Bugs): Debit Credit Note
Arathy PS
10:15 AM Feature #112: Debit Credit Note
Set Document Id in Posting - FIXED
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time...
Arathy PS
10:14 AM Feature #113: Journal
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
10:13 AM Feature #378: Payment Single
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
09:48 AM Feature #513 (Coding Done): City Import
Vivekp V
08:42 AM Feature #187 (New Changes Coding Done): Account Import
Nawal Sidique


06:52 PM Feature #324 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Paid Cheque Cancel
Greeshma S
10:28 AM Feature #324 (Reopen Bugs): Paid Cheque Cancel
1. The additional charge we entered for the cheque in paid cheque return is no...
Arathy PS
06:52 PM Feature #83 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set File Status
Greeshma S
02:55 PM Feature #83 (Reopen Bugs): Set File Status
Issue Found
1)Can change to cancel state when admin settings restriction to canecl is both selected and ...
Theja Ponon
06:16 PM Feature #490 (New Changes): AMEX File Settings
The custom fields that are set for a customer in set corporate custom field sh...
Arathy PS
06:14 PM Feature #423 (Reopen Bugs): Set Payment Due Penalty
1. While clicking on the add button the pop up changes to update button (afte...
Arathy PS
04:53 PM Feature #258 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Cost Centre Productivity Report
Nawal Sidique
04:53 PM Feature #257 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Service Productivity Report
Nawal Sidique
04:16 PM Feature #81 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): File Open
Baseem Shan
10:38 AM Feature #81 (Reopen Bugs): File Open
Issue Found
FIXED - 1) cancelling the vouchers that are present in linked document and remove link from...
Theja Ponon
03:48 PM Feature #262 (Reopen Bugs): Ledger Summary - Popup
1. Address not showing in the account search tab.
2. Not showing all datas while sea...
Arathy PS
03:35 PM Feature #281 (Reopen Bugs): Pop-up Against Docs Search (shared)
1. Main ledger is not loading.
2. No data showing in the matched documents tab...
Arathy PS
03:04 PM Feature #475 (Reopen Bugs): File Close(Dynamic Posting Package)
Issue Found
1)Close is possible without checking admin settings restriction to close - FIXED
2)refund amo...
Theja Ponon
02:53 PM Feature #127 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Paid Cheque Search
Athira KK
02:03 PM Feature #75 (New Changes Coding Done): Airline
Shilpa Pavithran
12:52 PM Feature #285 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Paid Cheque Return
Vivekp V
12:50 PM Feature #169 (Reopen Bugs): Refund
Issue Found
1)On focus out after entering AR sharing amount not showing in shared amount in grid and pressi...
Theja Ponon
12:24 PM Feature #299 (Reopen Bugs): Group Sale
FIXED - 1. When a package issue is selected for group sale and we click to sa...
Arathy PS
09:28 AM Feature #298 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Against Sale
Baseem Shan
09:27 AM Feature #297 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Performa Sale
Vivekp V
09:26 AM Feature #184 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Other Cancel
Vivekp V
09:10 AM Feature #189 (New Changes Coding Done): Airline Import
Nawal Sidique
09:09 AM Feature #252 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): GDS Productivity Report
Nawal Sidique


07:44 PM Feature #240 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Supplier Ageing Report
Augustin Jose
07:43 PM Feature #228 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Customer Sale & Refund Report
Augustin Jose
07:43 PM Feature #22 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Service
Augustin Jose
07:43 PM Feature #378 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Payment Single
Augustin Jose
05:42 PM Feature #378 (Reopen Bugs): Payment Single
1. The save button is disabled when you click copy button on payment ( Condition: ...
Arathy PS
06:54 PM Feature #396 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Service Period Report Details
Sreeranjini T
06:54 PM Feature #357 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Service Period Report Summary
Sreeranjini T
05:57 PM Feature #127 (Reopen Bugs): Paid Cheque Search
Redirection from the root document is wrong.
Arathy PS
05:54 PM Feature #285 (Reopen Bugs): Paid Cheque Return
1. Wrong data in the posting detail tab.
Arathy PS
05:10 PM Feature #111 (Reopen Bugs): Payment+
1. Able to change the data of payment with paid cheque even after it is ret...
Arathy PS
04:56 PM Feature #315 (New Changes): Package Stock
1. Add a validation if the package no: is already used in supp doc in a normal issue while we ...
Arathy PS
04:54 PM Feature #78 (New Changes): Voucher Stock
1. Add a validation if the voucher no: is already used in supp doc in a normal issue while we ...
Arathy PS
04:07 PM Feature #257 (Reopen Bugs): Service Productivity Report
1. In the print with grouping (WHEN NO DATA IS PRESENT TO GROUP)
Arathy PS
03:48 PM Feature #520: Sale Import
GUI Assigned to Athira K K
Coding Amal CK
Refer-Account Import (Similar GUI)
Junaid M
03:48 PM Feature #520 (Coding Started): Sale Import
Junaid M
03:47 PM Feature #258 (Reopen Bugs): Cost Centre Productivity Report
1. In the print with grouping
Arathy PS
03:27 PM Feature #174 (New Changes Coding Done): Visa Issue
Theja Ponon
02:38 PM Feature #174 (Reopen Bugs): Visa Issue
Theja Ponon
02:58 PM Feature #185 (Reopen Bugs): Visa Cancel
Issue Found
1)Can add Infant above the infant count
Theja Ponon
02:20 PM Feature #297 (Reopen Bugs): Performa Sale
Issue Found
1)On saving : not reproducing : add steps to reproduce if found again
Theja Ponon
02:02 PM Feature #218 (Reopen Bugs): Paid Cheque Query
1. No data appearing in log tab (two same cheque no: with different banks-no log f...
Arathy PS
12:58 PM Feature #402 (Reopen Bugs): Refund Module New UI Without-Popup
1. Default currency of the customer showing in AR sharing tab is wrong.
2. Ca...
Arathy PS
12:44 PM Feature #186: Transfer Cancel
Issue Found
TO BE FIXED FROM ATTACHMENT - 1)Attachment is showing in attachment list of pax without addin...
Theja Ponon
12:19 PM Feature #70 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Cheque Leaf Cancel
Theja Ponon
10:23 AM Feature #512 (Coding Done): Meals Plan Import
Shilpa Pavithran
10:23 AM Feature #518 (Coding Done): Airport Import
Shilpa Pavithran
10:23 AM Feature #27 (New Changes): Chart Of Account
Vivekp V
10:21 AM Feature #197 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Not Reported Sale
Theja Ponon
10:10 AM Feature #137 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Outstanding Document Report
Sreeranjini T
10:01 AM Feature #491: AMEX File Generation
Live Test Account Created By Amex Team
Generate AMEX file for testing
Sheet Passwords: amex123
Junaid M
10:00 AM Feature #491 (Coding Started): AMEX File Generation
Junaid M
09:53 AM Feature #250 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Customer Productivity Report
Nawal Sidique
09:42 AM Feature #190 (New Changes Coding Done): Hotel Import
Nawal Sidique
08:47 AM Feature #222 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): DSR Summary
Amal Ck
08:47 AM Feature #221 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): DSR Details
Amal Ck
08:46 AM Feature #150 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Ledger Statement
Amal Ck
08:45 AM Feature #308 (New Changes Coding Done): Assets Import
Nawal Sidique
08:44 AM Feature #441 (New Changes Coding Done): Counter Staff Import
Nawal Sidique
08:44 AM Feature #475 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): File Close(Dynamic Posting Package)
Nawal Sidique
08:41 AM Feature #299 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Group Sale
Baseem Shan

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