



From 03/07/2025 to 03/16/2025


06:07 PM Feature #353 (New Changes Coding Done): Assets Sales Return
Greeshma S
11:53 AM Feature #353 (New Changes): Assets Sales Return
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
06:07 PM Feature #458 (Coding Done): Bulk Print of Invoice/Document
Greeshma S
06:06 PM Feature #490 (New Changes Coding Done): AMEX File Settings
Greeshma S
06:06 PM Feature #83 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set File Status
Greeshma S
12:52 PM Feature #83 (Reopen Bugs): Set File Status
Issue Found
1)Cant change the file status into complete when all items are in active state(sold) and admin...
Theja Ponon
06:06 PM Feature #295 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): User Activity Report
Greeshma S
02:11 PM Feature #295 (Reopen Bugs): User Activity Report
Issue Found
1)In master tab seperate entry for received and paid cheque when any doc with this master us...
Theja Ponon
06:06 PM Feature #424 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Collection Status
Greeshma S
04:08 PM Feature #424 (Reopen Bugs): Set Collection Status
Issue Found
1)Incorrect value in due amount
Theja Ponon
05:16 PM Feature #387 (Reopen Bugs): Collection Search
Issue Found
1)Doc date is missing in print - FIXED
2)check the date filter - FIXED
Theja Ponon
04:02 PM Feature #381: Collection
Issue Found
1)Incorrect value in total balance
2)Incorrect value in bala...
Theja Ponon
03:41 PM Feature #381 (Reopen Bugs): Collection
Theja Ponon
03:28 PM Feature #82 (Reopen Bugs): File Open List
1. Showing data even though LPO no: is provided and LPO no: pending check box ...
Arathy PS
03:09 PM Feature #81 (Reopen Bugs): File Open
ON HOLD - 1. Service not changing to pending service when the invoice containing ...
Arathy PS
02:44 PM Feature #232 (Reopen Bugs): Merged Ledger Statement
Issue Found
1)Data is not showing in Uncleared paid and Uncleared Received Cheque
Theja Ponon
02:34 PM Feature #150 (Reopen Bugs): Ledger Statement
Issue Found
(DONE)1)Data is not showing in Uncleared paid and Uncleared Received Cheque(Issue from sale&Ref...
Theja Ponon
01:22 PM Feature #119 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Received Cheque Return
Vivekp V
01:12 PM Feature #119 (Reopen Bugs): Received Cheque Return
1)No validation on adding extra amount than cheque amount on extra collection to another pa...
Theja Ponon
12:02 PM Feature #75 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Airline
Arathy PS
10:14 AM Feature #75 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Airline
Shilpa Pavithran
10:12 AM Feature #75 (Closed): Airline
Shilpa Pavithran
11:55 AM Feature #306: Assets Purchase
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
11:55 AM Feature #309: Assets Depreciation
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
11:55 AM Feature #310 (New Changes): Assets Sale/Write off
(DONE)Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, ...
Arathy PS
11:54 AM Feature #311: Assets Allocation
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
11:31 AM Feature #155 (Reopen Bugs): Bank Book
Issue Found
1)Amount is not showing in uncleared paid cheque
2)Incorrect Dr,Cr label in print of deta...
Theja Ponon
11:21 AM Feature #468 (Coding Done): Custom Data In Invoice/Soa Print
Junaid M
11:21 AM Feature #519 (Ready for Coding): Add Date field near Status field in all Modules
Anil KV
10:20 AM Feature #191: Document History
Working of compare button Arathy PS
10:20 AM Feature #191 (New Changes): Document History
Arathy PS
10:18 AM Feature #262 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Ledger Summary - Popup
Sreeranjini T
10:06 AM Feature #114 (New Changes Coding Done): Cash Transfer
Athira KK
09:51 AM Feature #116 (New Changes Coding Done): Cash Withdrawal
Shilpa Pavithran
08:48 AM Feature #520 (Coding Started): Sale Import
Amal Ck
08:42 AM Feature #258 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Cost Centre Productivity Report
Nawal Sidique
08:41 AM Feature #245 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Airline Classwise Report
Nawal Sidique


06:37 PM Feature #10 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Payment Terms Master
Augustin Jose
03:25 PM Feature #10 (Reopen Bugs): Payment Terms Master
Issue Found
1)Bill period is showing incorrectly
Theja Ponon
06:37 PM Feature #224 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Customer Document Wise SOA
Augustin Jose
06:37 PM Feature #225 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Customer Item Wise SOA
Augustin Jose
06:37 PM Feature #226 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Customer Service Wise SOA
Augustin Jose
06:27 PM Feature #381 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Collection
Vivekp V
04:54 PM Feature #381 (Reopen Bugs): Collection
1)A random date is showing in date field when redirecting from overdue
Theja Ponon
06:16 PM Feature #78 (New Changes Coding Done): Voucher Stock
Greeshma S
06:16 PM Feature #315 (New Changes Coding Done): Package Stock
Greeshma S
06:16 PM Feature #324 (New Changes Coding Done): Paid Cheque Cancel
Greeshma S
10:23 AM Feature #324 (New Changes): Paid Cheque Cancel
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
06:16 PM Feature #170 (New Changes Coding Done): ADM/ACM Master
Greeshma S
10:25 AM Feature #170 (New Changes): ADM/ACM Master
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
06:15 PM Feature #171 (New Changes Coding Done): ADM/ACM Adjustment
Greeshma S
10:54 AM Feature #171 (New Changes): ADM/ACM Adjustment
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
06:15 PM Feature #115 (New Changes Coding Done): Cash Deposit
Greeshma S
10:19 AM Feature #115 (New Changes): Cash Deposit
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
06:09 PM Feature #75 (Reopen Bugs): Airline
1. Main ledger not loading when act as account check box is ticked
Arathy PS
03:43 PM Feature #74 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Counter Staff
Arathy PS
03:42 PM Feature #299 (New Changes Coding Done): Group Sale
Baseem Shan
09:40 AM Feature #299 (New Changes): Group Sale
Arathy PS
01:34 PM Feature #257 (Reopen Bugs): Service Productivity Report
1. Amount showing while grouping based on customer is wrong( when AR sharing is...
Arathy PS
01:19 PM Feature #258 (Reopen Bugs): Cost Centre Productivity Report
Cost centre gets missing from its field
Arathy PS
12:34 PM Feature #120 (New Changes Coding Done): Received Cheque Cancel
Vivekp V
10:22 AM Feature #120 (New Changes): Received Cheque Cancel
Set Document Id in Posting DONE
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, S...
Arathy PS
12:34 PM Feature #119 (New Changes Coding Done): Received Cheque Return
Vivekp V
10:21 AM Feature #119 (New Changes): Received Cheque Return
Set Document Id in Posting DONE
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, S...
Arathy PS
12:34 PM Feature #118 (New Changes Coding Done): Received Cheque Deposit
Vivekp V
10:21 AM Feature #118 (New Changes): Received Cheque Deposit
Set Document Id in Posting DONE
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, S...
Arathy PS
12:22 PM Feature #400 (Reopen Bugs): Sale Module New UI Without-Popup
1. Supplier currency gets missing in edit mode (BSP Supplier, tried to do AP shar...
Arathy PS
11:22 AM Feature #423 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Payment Due Penalty
Augustin Jose
11:22 AM Feature #111 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Payment+
Augustin Jose
10:14 AM Feature #111: Payment+
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
11:11 AM Feature #174 (Reopen Bugs): Visa Issue
Issue Found
1)Asking to allow partial payment in case of paying full amount through AP Sharing
Theja Ponon
11:10 AM Feature #184 (Reopen Bugs): Other Cancel
1)Asking to allow partial payment in case of paying full amount through AP Sharing
Theja Ponon
11:07 AM Feature #176: Transfer Issue
Issue Found
1)Ap sharing with giving corporate card in Transfer tab ,asking to allow partial payment
Theja Ponon
11:03 AM Feature #175 (Reopen Bugs): Other Issue
1)While doing AP sharing with full amount then also asking to allow partial payment
Theja Ponon
10:44 AM Feature #298 (New Changes Coding Done): Against Sale
Baseem Shan
10:04 AM Feature #298 (New Changes): Against Sale
ADDED - Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st tim...
Arathy PS
10:23 AM Feature #285: Paid Cheque Return
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
10:21 AM Feature #117 (New Changes): Intra Bank Transfer
Set Document Id in Posting - Fixed
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time...
Arathy PS
10:20 AM Feature #116 (New Changes): Cash Withdrawal
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
10:17 AM Feature #114 (New Changes): Cash Transfer
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
10:15 AM Feature #112 (Reopen Bugs): Debit Credit Note
Arathy PS
10:15 AM Feature #112: Debit Credit Note
Set Document Id in Posting - FIXED
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time...
Arathy PS
10:14 AM Feature #113: Journal
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
10:13 AM Feature #378: Payment Single
Set Document Id in Posting
mdlTransaction.binDocumentId = mdlReceiptDocument.binDocumentId; // 1st time, Se...
Arathy PS
09:48 AM Feature #513 (Coding Done): City Import
Vivekp V
08:42 AM Feature #187 (New Changes Coding Done): Account Import
Nawal Sidique


06:52 PM Feature #324 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Paid Cheque Cancel
Greeshma S
10:28 AM Feature #324 (Reopen Bugs): Paid Cheque Cancel
1. The additional charge we entered for the cheque in paid cheque return is no...
Arathy PS
06:52 PM Feature #83 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set File Status
Greeshma S
02:55 PM Feature #83 (Reopen Bugs): Set File Status
Issue Found
1)Can change to cancel state when admin settings restriction to canecl is both selected and ...
Theja Ponon
06:16 PM Feature #490 (New Changes): AMEX File Settings
The custom fields that are set for a customer in set corporate custom field sh...
Arathy PS
06:14 PM Feature #423 (Reopen Bugs): Set Payment Due Penalty
1. While clicking on the add button the pop up changes to update button (af...
Arathy PS
04:53 PM Feature #258 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Cost Centre Productivity Report
Nawal Sidique
04:53 PM Feature #257 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Service Productivity Report
Nawal Sidique
04:16 PM Feature #81 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): File Open
Baseem Shan
10:38 AM Feature #81 (Reopen Bugs): File Open
Issue Found
FIXED - 1) cancelling the vouchers that are present in linked document and remove link from...
Theja Ponon
03:48 PM Feature #262 (Reopen Bugs): Ledger Summary - Popup
1. Address not showing in the account search tab.
2. Not showing all datas while sea...
Arathy PS
03:35 PM Feature #281 (Reopen Bugs): Pop-up Against Docs Search (shared)
1. Main ledger is not loading.
2. No data showing in the matched documents tab...
Arathy PS
03:04 PM Feature #475 (Reopen Bugs): File Close(Dynamic Posting Package)
Issue Found
1)Close is possible without checking admin settings restriction to close - FIXED
2)refund amo...
Theja Ponon
02:53 PM Feature #127 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Paid Cheque Search
Athira KK
02:03 PM Feature #75 (New Changes Coding Done): Airline
Shilpa Pavithran
12:52 PM Feature #285 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Paid Cheque Return
Vivekp V
12:50 PM Feature #169 (Reopen Bugs): Refund
Issue Found
1)On focus out after entering AR sharing amount not showing in shared amount in grid and pressi...
Theja Ponon
12:24 PM Feature #299 (Reopen Bugs): Group Sale
FIXED - 1. When a package issue is selected for group sale and we click to sa...
Arathy PS
09:28 AM Feature #298 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Against Sale
Baseem Shan
09:27 AM Feature #297 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Performa Sale
Vivekp V
09:26 AM Feature #184 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Other Cancel
Vivekp V
09:10 AM Feature #189 (New Changes Coding Done): Airline Import
Nawal Sidique
09:09 AM Feature #252 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): GDS Productivity Report
Nawal Sidique


07:44 PM Feature #240 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Supplier Ageing Report
Augustin Jose
07:43 PM Feature #228 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Customer Sale & Refund Report
Augustin Jose
07:43 PM Feature #22 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Service
Augustin Jose
07:43 PM Feature #378 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Payment Single
Augustin Jose
05:42 PM Feature #378 (Reopen Bugs): Payment Single
1. The save button is disabled when you click copy button on payment ( Condition: ...
Arathy PS
06:54 PM Feature #396 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Service Period Report Details
Sreeranjini T
06:54 PM Feature #357 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Service Period Report Summary
Sreeranjini T
05:57 PM Feature #127 (Reopen Bugs): Paid Cheque Search
Redirection from the root document is wrong.
Arathy PS
05:54 PM Feature #285 (Reopen Bugs): Paid Cheque Return
1. Wrong data in the posting detail tab.
Arathy PS
05:10 PM Feature #111 (Reopen Bugs): Payment+
1. Able to change the data of payment with paid cheque even after it is ret...
Arathy PS
04:56 PM Feature #315 (New Changes): Package Stock
1. Add a validation if the package no: is already used in supp doc in a normal issue while we ...
Arathy PS
04:54 PM Feature #78 (New Changes): Voucher Stock
1. Add a validation if the voucher no: is already used in supp doc in a normal issue while we ...
Arathy PS
04:07 PM Feature #257 (Reopen Bugs): Service Productivity Report
1. In the print with grouping (WHEN NO DATA IS PRESENT TO GROUP)
Arathy PS
03:48 PM Feature #520: Sale Import
GUI Assigned to Athira K K
Coding Amal CK
Refer-Account Import (Similar GUI)
Junaid M
03:48 PM Feature #520 (Coding Started): Sale Import
Junaid M
03:47 PM Feature #258 (Reopen Bugs): Cost Centre Productivity Report
1. In the print with grouping
Arathy PS
03:27 PM Feature #174 (New Changes Coding Done): Visa Issue
Theja Ponon
02:38 PM Feature #174 (Reopen Bugs): Visa Issue
Theja Ponon
02:58 PM Feature #185 (Reopen Bugs): Visa Cancel
Issue Found
1)Can add Infant above the infant count
Theja Ponon
02:20 PM Feature #297 (Reopen Bugs): Performa Sale
Issue Found
1)On saving : not reproducing : add steps to reproduce if found again
Theja Ponon
02:02 PM Feature #218 (Reopen Bugs): Paid Cheque Query
1. No data appearing in log tab (two same cheque no: with different banks-no log f...
Arathy PS
12:58 PM Feature #402 (Reopen Bugs): Refund Module New UI Without-Popup
1. Default currency of the customer showing in AR sharing tab is wrong.
Arathy PS
12:44 PM Feature #186: Transfer Cancel
Issue Found
TO BE FIXED FROM ATTACHMENT - 1)Attachment is showing in attachment list of pax without addin...
Theja Ponon
12:19 PM Feature #70 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Cheque Leaf Cancel
Theja Ponon
10:23 AM Feature #512 (Coding Done): Meals Plan Import
Shilpa Pavithran
10:23 AM Feature #518 (Coding Done): Airport Import
Shilpa Pavithran
10:23 AM Feature #27 (New Changes): Chart Of Account
Vivekp V
10:21 AM Feature #197 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Not Reported Sale
Theja Ponon
10:10 AM Feature #137 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Outstanding Document Report
Sreeranjini T
10:01 AM Feature #491: AMEX File Generation
Live Test Account Created By Amex Team
Generate AMEX file for testing
Sheet Passwords: amex123
Junaid M
10:00 AM Feature #491 (Coding Started): AMEX File Generation
Junaid M
09:53 AM Feature #250 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Customer Productivity Report
Nawal Sidique
09:42 AM Feature #190 (New Changes Coding Done): Hotel Import
Nawal Sidique
08:47 AM Feature #222 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): DSR Summary
Amal Ck
08:47 AM Feature #221 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): DSR Details
Amal Ck
08:46 AM Feature #150 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Ledger Statement
Amal Ck
08:45 AM Feature #308 (New Changes Coding Done): Assets Import
Nawal Sidique
08:44 AM Feature #441 (New Changes Coding Done): Counter Staff Import
Nawal Sidique
08:44 AM Feature #475 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): File Close(Dynamic Posting Package)
Nawal Sidique
08:41 AM Feature #299 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Group Sale
Baseem Shan


07:52 PM Feature #147 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Customer Overdue Report
Augustin Jose
07:39 PM Feature #377 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Receipt Single
Augustin Jose
07:39 PM Feature #110 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Receipt+
Augustin Jose
07:08 PM Feature #239 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Customer Ageing Report
Augustin Jose
07:07 PM Feature #244 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Airline Sales Analysis Report
Augustin Jose
06:59 PM Feature #175 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Other Issue
Vivekp V
11:32 AM Feature #175: Other Issue
1)Given adult pax count but can add child pax inforamtion in additional paxtab
Theja Ponon
11:20 AM Feature #175 (Reopen Bugs): Other Issue
Theja Ponon
06:59 PM Feature #380 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Overdue List
Vivekp V
11:48 AM Feature #380 (Reopen Bugs): Overdue List
1. Submission doc no: is showing against wrong customer.
Arathy PS
06:59 PM Feature #381 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Collection
Vivekp V
11:54 AM Feature #381 (Reopen Bugs): Collection
1. Even though we only submitted one document of a customer while submission...
Arathy PS
06:16 PM Feature #284 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Target Tracker
Greeshma S
06:16 PM Feature #272 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Main Ledger Statement
Greeshma S
06:16 PM Feature #83 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set File Status
Greeshma S
10:58 AM Feature #83 (Reopen Bugs): Set File Status
Issue Found
1)Data is not clearing o New click
2)Can complete a file open when admin settings restriction ...
Theja Ponon
05:56 PM Feature #252 (Reopen Bugs): GDS Productivity Report
1. Grouping is not showing in the print.
Arathy PS
05:05 PM Feature #27 (Reopen Bugs): Chart Of Account
1. Can't delete a ledger that is converted (from main ledger to ledger) --v...
Arathy PS
04:35 PM Feature #223 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Refund/Void Report
Theja Ponon
04:13 PM Feature #475 (Reopen Bugs): File Close(Dynamic Posting Package)
Issue Found
1)Issue on calculating total expense and profit - FIXED
Theja Ponon
04:11 PM Feature #173: Hotel Issue
Issue Found
FIXED - 1)Cant add additional pax equal to the number of pax (if no of pax is three then onl...
Theja Ponon
02:51 PM Feature #299 (Reopen Bugs): Group Sale
FIXED - 1. Ticket/Voucher of different customer is saving as a single invoice ...
Arathy PS
02:44 PM Feature #183: Hotel Cancel
Issue Found
FIXED - 1)After AP sharing
2)Asking to allow partial payme...
Theja Ponon
02:09 PM Feature #246 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): PLB Report
Athira KK
12:35 PM Feature #184: Other Cancel
1)Given customer is missing while saving
2)On Additional p...
Theja Ponon
11:16 AM Feature #184 (Reopen Bugs): Other Cancel
Theja Ponon
10:53 AM Feature #215 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Document Query
Sreeranjini T
09:57 AM Feature #2 (New Changes Coding Done): Country Master
Athira KK
09:56 AM Feature #3 (New Changes Coding Done): City Master
Athira KK


05:21 PM Feature #22 (Reopen Bugs): Service
1. Can save service without service group.
Arathy PS
02:50 PM Feature #519: Add Date field near Status field in all Modules
Add Date field near Status field in all Modules which has status field Arathy PS
02:50 PM Feature #519 (Ready for Coding): Add Date field near Status field in all Modules
Arathy PS
12:47 PM Feature #110 (Reopen Bugs): Receipt+
1. Created a main ledger for customer in COA-->Created a customer using...
Arathy PS
12:47 PM Feature #377 (Reopen Bugs): Receipt Single
1. Created a main ledger for customer in COA-->Created a customer using...
Arathy PS
12:44 PM Feature #148 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Supplier Overdue Report
Augustin Jose
10:21 AM Feature #511 (Coding Done): Pax Profile Import
Augustin Jose
08:40 AM Feature #514 (Coding Done): Country Import
Amal Ck


07:39 PM Feature #10 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Payment Terms Master
Augustin Jose
06:58 PM Feature #295 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): User Activity Report
Greeshma S
06:57 PM Feature #95 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Quotation/Enquiry
Greeshma S
11:11 AM Feature #95 (Reopen Bugs): Quotation/Enquiry
1. Fields in ticket are not cleared when we changed the service to...
Arathy PS
06:57 PM Feature #280 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Target
Greeshma S
03:55 PM Feature #280 (Reopen Bugs): Set Target
1. % field should be enabled only when a parent is selected.
2. Service type mis...
Arathy PS
06:57 PM Feature #283 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Target List
Greeshma S
05:11 PM Feature #283 (Reopen Bugs): Target List
1. Issue in print
2. Not showing data wh...
Arathy PS
06:54 PM Feature #27 (New Changes): Chart Of Account
Vivekp V
04:57 PM Feature #27 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Chart Of Account
Vivekp V
04:34 PM Feature #27 (Reopen Bugs): Chart Of Account
1. Can't change the type from main ledger to ledger even though the associated re...
Arathy PS
12:14 PM Feature #27 (New Changes): Chart Of Account
Vivekp V
06:54 PM Feature #118 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Received Cheque Deposit
Vivekp V
01:48 PM Feature #118 (Reopen Bugs): Received Cheque Deposit
1. Issue in print.
2. When tried ...
Arathy PS
06:38 PM Feature #134 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Payment Report
Sreeranjini T
04:27 PM Feature #60 (New Changes Coding Done): Customer
Sreeranjini T
09:51 AM Feature #60 (New Changes): Customer
--> Add `CR Number` in right side of TRN Number
--> Move Join Date to b...
Arathy PS
04:06 PM Feature #518: Airport Import
Add necessary fields from airport master. Arathy PS
04:04 PM Feature #518 (Coding Done): Airport Import
Arathy PS
03:17 PM Feature #402 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Refund Module New UI Without-Popup
Amal Ck
02:43 PM Feature #75 (New Changes): Airline
1. Remove currency and main ledger column from grid and add country and remark....
Arathy PS
12:58 PM Feature #128: Matching/Settlement
1. Matching can be done using document with inactive status. (received cheque ...
Arathy PS
12:57 PM Feature #121 (Reopen Bugs): Document Search
1. Documents from Receipt are not showing in ledger currency.
2. Am...
Arathy PS
12:15 PM Feature #184 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Other Cancel
Vivekp V
12:15 PM Feature #175 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Other Issue
Vivekp V
11:15 AM Feature #3 (New Changes): City Master
--> Add Short Name fieLd below Display name
Arathy PS
11:14 AM Feature #2 (New Changes): Country Master
--> Add Short Name filed below Display name
--> Keep Other name in array (Db). In...
Arathy PS
11:12 AM Feature #215 (Reopen Bugs): Document Query
1. Linked documents in quotation ae not showing while searching.
Arathy PS
09:57 AM Feature #459 (Ready for Coding): Bulk Print SOA/Report
Anil KV
09:28 AM Feature #70 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Cheque Leaf Cancel
Greeshma S

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