



From 09/06/2024 to 09/15/2024


06:50 PM Feature #299 (Reopen Bugs): Group Sale
1.Error On Save
2.Clear The Extra Columns From List
3.Freeze The Counter Staff Code Field After Se...
unnikannan S
05:49 PM Feature #299 (Testing Started): Group Sale
unnikannan S
05:12 PM Feature #124 (Reopen Bugs): Credit Approve
Add an field to approve extra credit on counter staff
New Changes
Arathy PS
03:30 PM Feature #350 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): PLB Tracker
Greeshma S
10:28 AM Feature #350 (Reopen Bugs): PLB Tracker
1.Not Working Close Button In Search Pop Up
unnikannan S
03:27 PM Feature #310 (Coding Started): Assets Sale/Write off
Amal Ck
02:09 PM Feature #46 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Billing Tax
Aparna Mathew
12:37 PM Feature #82 (Reopen Bugs): File Open List
1.Clear Fixed Category Package Items From Package Select Box In UI
unnikannan S
11:49 AM Feature #367 (Coding Done): Connect Account Delete Reason Based on Admin Settings
Greeshma S
11:33 AM Feature #173 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Hotel Issue
Aparna Mathew
11:14 AM Feature #118 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Received Cheque Deposit
1)DB data transaction problem
2)Issue on update
Vivekp V
10:03 AM Feature #43 (Testing Done): LCC Booking ID
unnikannan S
09:52 AM Feature #104 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Ticket/Voucher Note
1.Correct The Created Date Format in Print As Shown In UI
(Consider:Account,Document Notes Also)
Vivekp V
09:51 AM Feature #69 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Cheque Book List
1.Freeze The Bank Auto Completion Field After Showing Data In List
Vivekp V


07:31 PM Feature #34 (Testing Done): IATA Master
unnikannan S
07:20 PM Feature #79 (Testing Done): Voucher Stock List
unnikannan S
07:20 PM Feature #78 (Testing Done): Voucher Stock
unnikannan S
05:14 PM Feature #85 (Testing Done): Package Category
unnikannan S
05:13 PM Feature #86 (Testing Done): Package
unnikannan S
11:00 AM Feature #86 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Package
1.Show Category Wise Grouping On Print
Vivekp V
05:11 PM Feature #208 (Testing Done): Petty Cash Reimbursement
unnikannan S
03:40 PM Feature #208 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Petty Cash Reimbursement
Aparna Mathew
03:58 PM Feature #104 (Reopen Bugs): Ticket/Voucher Note
1.Correct The Created Date Format in Print As Shown In UI
(Consider:Account,Document Notes Also)
unnikannan S
02:56 PM Feature #102 (Testing Done): Account Note
unnikannan S
02:43 PM Feature #96 (Testing Done): Quotation/Enquiry List
unnikannan S
02:41 PM Feature #95 (Testing Done): Quotation/Enquiry
unnikannan S
01:53 PM Feature #98 (Testing Done): XO Purchase List
unnikannan S
01:52 PM Feature #97 (Testing Done): XO Purchase
unnikannan S
12:49 PM Feature #69 (Reopen Bugs): Cheque Book List
1.Freeze The Bank Auto Completion Field After Showing Data In List
unnikannan S
10:59 AM Feature #69 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Cheque Book List
1.Clear Bank Code On Focus Out While Clearing Name
Vivekp V
12:44 PM Feature #125 (Testing Done): Opening Balance
unnikannan S
11:00 AM Feature #125 (New Changes Coding Done): Opening Balance
1.Show An Info Message Default Mapping Account Not Set, Please set Mapping Account (Use `Set Accoun...
Vivekp V
12:41 PM Feature #371 (Testing Done): Eye icon in password field of Login page
unnikannan S
10:43 AM Feature #371 (Coding Done): Eye icon in password field of Login page
Greeshma S
11:51 AM Feature #249: Staff Responsible Sales Report
Title Staff responsible sales ---> staff responsible sales report (ask junaid)
Arathy PS
11:00 AM Feature #285 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Paid Cheque Return
1.Correct The Update Button Symbol On Debit Party
Vivekp V
09:33 AM Feature #81 (Testing Done): File Open
unnikannan S
09:24 AM Feature #299 (Coding Done): Group Sale
Aparna Mathew


06:31 PM Feature #26 (Testing Done): Financial Year
unnikannan S
05:13 PM Feature #61 (Testing Done): Supplier
unnikannan S
04:41 PM Feature #16 (Testing Done): Set ROE
Arathy PS
04:38 PM Feature #65 (Testing Done): Cost Centre
unnikannan S
04:37 PM Feature #4 (Testing Done): Department Master
unnikannan S
04:35 PM Feature #1 (Testing Done): Branch Master
unnikannan S
03:21 PM Feature #350 (Testing Started): PLB Tracker
unnikannan S
10:13 AM Feature #350 (Coding Done): PLB Tracker
Greeshma S
02:57 PM Feature #125 (New Changes): Opening Balance
1.Show An Info Message Default Mapping Account Not Set, Please set Mapping Account (Use `Set Account Ma...
unnikannan S
12:57 PM Feature #372: In All Document - Connect Workflow of Document Status, Posting Status
Consider :-
1. Module Privilege -> Posting Checkbox -> off Case
Junaid M
12:54 PM Feature #372 (New): In All Document - Connect Workflow of Document Status, Posting Status
Junaid M
12:55 PM Feature #373 (New): In All Account Master Modules - Connect Workflow of Approval Status
Junaid M
10:13 AM Feature #367 (Ready for Coding): Connect Account Delete Reason Based on Admin Settings
Junaid M
10:13 AM Feature #371 (Ready for Coding): Eye icon in password field of Login page
Junaid M


06:35 PM Feature #307 (Coding Done): Assets Search
Sreeranjini T
04:37 PM Feature #88 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Attachment
unnikannan S
04:31 PM Feature #88 (Reopen Bugs): Attachment
unnikannan S
04:29 PM Feature #27 (Reopen Bugs): Chart Of Account
1.Add Attachment Button For Ledger Accounts
2.Should be on edit mode when redirected fro...
unnikannan S
04:11 PM Feature #243 (Reopen Bugs): Airline Sales and Refund Report
Items from against sale is also getting added
Arathy PS
04:02 PM Feature #222 (Reopen Bugs): DSR Summary
Items from against sale is also getting added
Arathy PS
03:11 PM Feature #332: Inventory - Item Purchase
Work Flow:-... Anil KV
11:21 AM Feature #371 (Testing Done): Eye icon in password field of Login page
Junaid M
10:37 AM Feature #49 (New Changes): User
GUI Change
Designation field >> Select Box
Avinash MS


06:01 PM Feature #352: Assets Items
Last no and last no length data gets changed on edit mode
Arathy PS
09:46 AM Feature #97 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): XO Purchase
Baseem Shan
09:43 AM Feature #350 (Coding Started): PLB Tracker
Greeshma S


07:36 PM Feature #69 (Reopen Bugs): Cheque Book List
1.Clear Bank Code On Focus Out While Clearing Name
unnikannan S
07:34 PM Feature #285 (Reopen Bugs): Paid Cheque Return
1.Correct The Update Button Symbol On Debit Party
unnikannan S
07:24 PM Feature #351 (Coding Done): Set PLB Target
Greeshma S
03:10 PM Feature #369 (Ready for Coding): Option to View/Edit Refund AR Sharing Fare Components Value
1. In Ticket/Voucher List Need Icon to open pop-up to View/Edit RefundAR Sharing Fare Components Value of each ticket... Junaid M
03:09 PM Feature #368 (Ready for Coding): Option to View/Edit Sale AR Sharing Fare Components Value
1. In Ticket/Voucher List Need Icon to open pop-up to View/Edit Sale AR Sharing Fare Components Value of each tickets... Junaid M
03:07 PM Feature #97 (Reopen Bugs): XO Purchase
Done - 1) Change current status of xo purchase if the status is changed in admin settings
Arathy PS
03:06 PM Feature #211 (Coding Started): Set Recurring Documents
Bertin Joseph
02:37 PM Feature #208 (Reopen Bugs): Petty Cash Reimbursement
1.Allowing Save Without Data In The List
unnikannan S
02:26 PM Feature #193: Account Search
GUI Change
1.After Delete reason connected, add Checkbox in filter "Deleted".
Junaid M
02:24 PM Feature #367: Connect Account Delete Reason Based on Admin Settings
Db field in account table.
Junaid M
02:22 PM Feature #367 (Testing Done): Connect Account Delete Reason Based on Admin Settings
Junaid M
02:20 PM Feature #125 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Opening Balance
1) Add checkbox for department field in both credit and debit side
2) Credit Only ...
Vivekp V
02:06 PM Feature #237 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): GDS Unreported Report
Meljo Sunny
12:56 PM Feature #237: GDS Unreported Report
Action type not showing in the print
Arathy PS
12:54 PM Feature #237 (Reopen Bugs): GDS Unreported Report
Arathy PS
12:51 PM Feature #366: Inventory - Product Items

In Code|Name -> code Auto generate if empty.
Meljo Sunny
11:36 AM Feature #366 (New): Inventory - Product Items
Inventory - Product Items Anil KV
12:04 PM Feature #335 (Rejected): Inventory - Stock Return
Same As Item Purchase return Anil KV
12:04 PM Feature #333 (Rejected): Inventory - Stock Purchase
Same as Item Purchase Anil KV
11:29 AM Feature #328: Inventory - Product Brand
GUI Changes:-... Anil KV
10:52 AM Feature #365 (New): Add Posting In Xo Purchase
Junaid M
09:35 AM Feature #113 (Reopen Bugs): Journal
FIXED - 1.Auto Changing Posting Status While Selecting Doc Copy
unnikannan S
09:04 AM Feature #49 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): User
Vivekp V

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