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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
470 TAAS Feature New Normal HRMS-Employee Rejoin travvise Admin 03/14/2025 11:12 AM Actions
468 TAAS Feature Coding Done Normal Custom Data In Invoice/Soa Print Junaid M 03/14/2025 11:21 AM Actions
467 TAAS Feature Coding Done Normal User Creation REST API Nawal Sidique 02/18/2025 09:49 AM Actions
466 TAAS Feature Coding Done Normal Credit limit REST API Nawal Sidique 02/07/2025 06:38 PM Actions
465 TAAS Feature Coding Done Normal Subledger Creation REST API Nawal Sidique 02/12/2025 09:39 AM Actions
464 TAAS Feature Coding Done Normal Customer/Profile Creation REST API Nawal Sidique 02/18/2025 09:49 AM Actions
463 TAAS Feature Coding Started Normal Custom Data Integrate in Data Push API Nawal Sidique 02/22/2025 09:40 AM Actions
462 TAAS Feature Ready for Coding Normal Connect Document Submission and Collection Module Vivekp V 01/16/2025 07:03 PM Actions
461 TAAS Feature Ready for Coding Normal Mark Customer Inactive if no transaction for 6 months not happened aryamol Vh 02/18/2025 10:27 AM Actions
460 TAAS Feature Ready for Coding Normal SOA Auto Submission Based on Approval (To Email) Junaid M 01/16/2025 06:42 PM Actions
459 TAAS Feature Ready for Coding Normal Bulk Print SOA/Report Augustin Jose 03/07/2025 09:57 AM Actions
458 TAAS Feature Coding Done Normal Bulk Print of Invoice/Document Greeshma S 03/14/2025 06:07 PM Actions
456 TAAS Feature New Normal HRMS-Employee Resign travvise Admin 03/14/2025 11:12 AM Actions
455 TAAS Feature New Normal HRMS-Employee Query aryamol Vh 02/18/2025 10:22 AM Actions
454 TAAS Feature New Normal HRMS-Relationship(Family) dheeraja premdas 02/18/2025 10:36 AM Actions
453 TAAS Feature New Normal HRMS-Education dheeraja premdas 02/18/2025 10:31 AM Actions
452 TAAS Feature Reopen Bugs Testing Done Normal Billing Tax Equation List Nawal Sidique 01/27/2025 03:45 PM Actions
451 TAAS Bug Coding Done Normal AP Sharing changes for all issue modules Amal Ck 01/31/2025 11:26 AM Actions
450 TAAS Feature Open Normal Dashboard travvise Admin 03/06/2025 04:22 PM Actions
449 TAAS Feature Reopen Bugs Testing Done Normal Home Page Vivekp V 03/04/2025 04:17 PM Actions
447 TAAS Bug Coding Done Normal Check in all transaction table and document table Athira KK 01/16/2025 04:30 PM Actions
446 TAAS Bug New Normal Connect sub ledger with its associated main account owner in all modules where sub ledger field is used travvise Admin 12/19/2024 05:22 PM Actions
445 TAAS Feature New Normal A new field on Own Settings for selecting the sale module to redirect from not reported sale module travvise Admin 01/27/2025 02:19 PM Actions
444 TAAS Bug Coding Done Normal To connect the Edit, Delete Fields in User Module Privilege to all Modules Sreeranjini T 01/29/2025 10:47 AM Actions
443 TAAS Bug New Normal Print in all modules based on View data feature in User Module Privileges Anil KV 12/14/2024 11:58 AM Actions
(51-75/497) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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