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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
449 TAAS Feature Reopen Bugs Testing Done Normal Home Page Vivekp V 03/04/2025 04:17 PM Actions
447 TAAS Bug Coding Done Normal Check in all transaction table and document table Athira KK 01/16/2025 04:30 PM Actions
446 TAAS Bug New Normal Connect sub ledger with its associated main account owner in all modules where sub ledger field is used travvise Admin 12/19/2024 05:22 PM Actions
445 TAAS Feature New Normal A new field on Own Settings for selecting the sale module to redirect from not reported sale module travvise Admin 01/27/2025 02:19 PM Actions
444 TAAS Bug Coding Done Normal To connect the Edit, Delete Fields in User Module Privilege to all Modules Sreeranjini T 01/29/2025 10:47 AM Actions
443 TAAS Bug New Normal Print in all modules based on View data feature in User Module Privileges Anil KV 12/14/2024 11:58 AM Actions
442 TAAS Bug New Normal Connecting View Data Feature In User Privilege to Non Transactional Modules travvise Admin 12/14/2024 11:34 AM Actions
434 TAAS Feature Coding Done Normal Corporate Paid Cheque Search Athira KK 12/09/2024 03:31 PM Actions
433 TAAS Feature Testing Done Normal Ticket/Voucher Reporting Amal Ck 12/27/2024 12:13 PM Actions
430 TAAS Feature Coding Done Normal Corporate Cancel Request List Shilpa Pavithran 12/14/2024 09:49 AM Actions
420 TAAS Feature Coding Done Normal Corporate Profile/Query Athira KK 12/12/2024 12:07 PM Actions
419 TAAS Feature Coding Done Normal Cheque Submission Approve Augustin Jose 12/13/2024 12:32 PM Actions
418 TAAS Feature Coding Done Normal Corporate Cheque Submission Augustin Jose 12/09/2024 11:41 AM Actions
417 TAAS Feature Coding Done Normal Corporate Extra Credit Limit/Payment Days Athira KK 01/06/2025 10:04 AM Actions
416 TAAS Feature Coding Done Normal Corporate Pending LPO Greeshma S 12/19/2024 06:25 PM Actions
415 TAAS Feature Coding Done Normal Corporate Booking Approve Greeshma S 12/19/2024 06:24 PM Actions
414 TAAS Bug Coding Done Normal Created by, Modified by change to actual name of the user. Sreeranjini T 12/31/2024 10:05 AM Actions
403 TAAS Bug New Normal Opening balance and closing balance position issue when do grouping travvise Admin 11/04/2024 11:48 AM Actions
385 TAAS Feature Ready for Coding Normal Connect sector remark features to sale module Junaid M 12/11/2024 02:02 PM Actions
383 TAAS Feature Coding Done Normal Connect locking and unlocking to other modules Nawal Sidique 01/07/2025 09:39 AM Actions
(51-70/70) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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