Feature #479
Profit Sharing
Menu -HRMS->File
->Financial Year*R - Selectbox - Start-End Date
->Sharing Profit - Inputbox
->Payment Month*R(Salary Month) - Selectbox All Month
-> Status - Selectbox - Active, Blocked, Closed
Created By
Modified By
=>Right Tab1 - Bonus
->Include In Salary Slip - Checkbox - Default On
->Profit Based On*R - Select Box - All, Grade, Group, Type, Category, Family, Designation
->Debit Account(Titke:Profit Sharing Debit Account) - Checkbox|Code|Name Grouping (Check Service Account tab)
->Maximum Amount
->Drop Down label
-Percentage*R - inputbox | 0.00(Amount)
-Amount*R - inputbox
-Equation*R - Text Area - All Salary Components Code with {{ and }}, Eg: {{DA}} -> Additional Item {{TOTAL_EARNING}}, {{TOTAL_DEDUCTION}}, {{NET_SALARY}}, {{NO_OF_COMPLETED_YEARS}}, {{NO_OF_COMPLETED_MONTHS}}
=>Right Tab2 - Bonus Split - If Profit Based On != All
# | Grade/Group/Type/Category/Family/Designation | Maximum Amount(Editable) | Percentage | Amount(Editable) | Equation(Editable) | Edit Icon
# | Financial Year | Payment Month | Profit Based On | Percentage/Amount/Equation | Edit and Delete Icon |
- Assignee changed from travvise Admin to dheeraja premdas
Also available in: Atom