Feature #455
-> Employe Code | Name - Input -> Check other Queries
*Module Privilege(In user)->View = Own Data then hide the section and Auto Load Login
*If Subordinate then allowed only login User and Subordinate Users
*Auto load login User data derfault
=> 'Profile' Tab - Ref: Account Query
=> More Join then 'Join' Tab Active - List - Join Date | Resiugn Date | Reson
=> 'Payment' Tab
-> Salary Sub Tab
- Input Year - Default Current Year - Select FY
- List # | Month(Eg: Jan-2025) | Total EARNINGS | Total DESCRIPTION | Net Pay | View Details Icon | Download icon
*View Salary Slip
*Download Option Salary Slip
->Current Lone/Advance Sub Tab
- Input Input Year(Currenrt) and The Selected Year Lone/Advance Doc No(Doc Date, Status) Select(Default Last)
- In Summary Need Status: Active/Closed, Lone/Advance Amount:, Paid:, Balance: , Account No, IFSC Code:, Bank:, Branch:
- Details List Need(Paid) # | Date | Amount | Paid | Balance
->ESI Account Sub Tab
- Input Year Select(Default Current FY)
- Summary - ESI No, Validity: Started - End(If) Date, Total Amount:, Basic Tearms & Conditions List
- List # | Month(Eg: Jan-2025) | Company contribute | Employee contribute | ESI Amount |
->PF Account Sub Tab - Input Year Select(Default Current FY)
- Summary - PF No, Total Amount:
- List # | Month(Eg: Jan-2025) | Company contribute | Employee contribute | PF Amount |
- Subject changed from Employee Query to HR-Employee Query
- Module changed from Employee Query to HR-Employee Query
- Subject changed from HR-Employee Query to HRMS-Employee Query
- Assignee changed from Mekha Sabu to aryamol Vh
Also available in: Atom