Bug #444
To connect edit, delete features based on the user that is logged in and to block the edit and delete based whether the permission is for to edit or delete their own data or other users data.
Refer : Ancillary service module to see the working correctly
changes In Controller of Save Modules
Refer Changes In Ancilary service
Service Controller--> SaveAncillaryService --> strDocNo, linCreateduserId -- Pass To fn -->
Delete Case
Check Ancillary Service Delete Fn
new line
mdlReqAncillaryServiceBaseIntId.mdlBaseIntId.binCustomValue = this.mdlAncillaryService.binCreatedUserId;
- Assignee changed from travvise Admin to Sreeranjini T
- Status changed from New to Coding Started
- % Done changed from 0 to 30
- Status changed from Coding Started to Coding Done
- % Done changed from 30 to 60
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