Feature #433
openTicket/Voucher Reporting
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UTT- Qatar
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Ticket/Voucher Reporting
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Updated by Arathy PS 4 months ago
- Owner(Agency) UTT- Qatar added
- Owner(Agency) deleted (
-->GUI same as not reported sale. -- Add voucher stock and package stock to consider field (default untick) -- In the PNR No: field and add ticket/voucher no: in that drop down. --In place of now ticket/voucher no: field place issuing staff. -->No summary tab. -->Grid coloums: Sl no:, checkbox, issued date, ticket no:, pax, cost, price, profit, edit (to show issue pop up) -->Price column should be editable upon clicking the column itself. -->Buttons on the top search,reset (show only after data is shown), new, print. -->At the middle add 'to sale' button and 'to sale and save' button and also on the grid. --> While clicking the buttons on the grid it should redirect to new tab and while clicking on the buttons on the side it should load on the current tab itself.
Updated by Theja Ponon 3 months ago
- Status changed from Coding Done to Testing Done
- % Done changed from 60 to 90