Feature #407
openCorporate Enquiry
Related issues
Updated by Arathy PS 4 months ago
- Status changed from Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 60 to 50
1. Missing field of cancel reason in the additional info tab when status is changed to cancelled.
2. Asking for valid to date even though the date added in to date field is after from date.
1. Modify Status to
New Request
Processing From Agency
Quotation Submitted From Agency
Canceled the Quotation (Enter Additional info --> Reason)
2. When package service is selected a new tab near general tab with field: package.
In Db Added Field 'fk_package_master_id'. Update Stored procedure and model
3. Add 'responsible staff'in place of responsible user and remove other options.
4. Add a restore check box in the add pop up same as sale-ticket/voucher pop ups
(for work flow ask junaid)
5. Add a copy button at the side.
6. Pax profile autocomplete only load
Pax profile --> System --> Main account == Login Corporate Account
7. Add attachment button.
8. When other service is selected add a new tab near general tab with field: service provider (not mandatory).
9. Add a new tab custom data (similar to ticket issue)
Logic similar to pax profile ---> if it is a party then the cost centers showing should be of corresponding party
and if it is corporate then it should be of the corporate that is logged in.
10. Rename Module name tp "Corporate Enquiry/Request".
11. In master --> Add Lpo No, Lpo required checkbox, lpo expiry date (refer ticket issue widget.)
New Fields Added For Changes
document.tbl_documents -> fk_responsible_counter_staff_id
quotation.tbl_quotation_master -> sin_lpo_required, vhr_lpo_number, dat_lpo
quotation.tbl_quotation_details -> fk_package_master_id
quotation.tbl_quotation_details -> fk_service_provider_id