Feature #39
openSet Document Code Format
Coding Document Code Format
GUI Change
1) Allowed Deleted And Reverted Doc No In Manual Entry Based On User Permission to Allowed Deleted And Reversal Doc No In Manual Entry Based On User Permission
2) Document Code Format List edit only checkbox and Separator
3) Branch List Edit only Perfix and FY List also
4) Number Part Length mandatory
Related issues
Updated by Anil KV over 2 years ago
public lstDocNoGeneratedBy: any[] = [ { "intId": 1, "strLabel": "System Wise", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": false, "strRemarks": "" }, { "intId": 2, "strLabel": "Compay Wise", "blnDisable": true, "blnActive": false, "strRemarks": "" }, { "intId": 3, "strLabel": "Branch Wise", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": true, "strRemarks": "" } ]; public lstDocNoResetBy: any[] = [ { "intId": 0, "strLabel": "No Reset", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": false, "strRemarks": "" }, { "intId": 1, "strLabel": "Year Wise", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": true, "strRemarks": "" }, { "intId": 2, "strLabel": "Month Wise", "blnDisable": true, "blnActive": false, "strRemarks": "" } ]; public lstSaleRefundSaringDocNo: any[] = [ { "intId": 0, "strLabel": "Seperate Document Number For Each Sharing", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": false, "strRemarks": "" }, { "intId": 1, "strLabel": "Create A Sharing Document And Append #1, #2, ...Other Sharing", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": false, "strRemarks": "" }, { "intId": 2, "strLabel": "Append #1, #2, ....In Main Document Number", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": true, "strRemarks": "" } ]; public lstOtherSaringDocNo: any[] = [ { "intId": 0, "strLabel": "Seperate Document Number For Each Party", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": true, "strRemarks": "" }, { "intId": 1, "strLabel": "Create A Document And Append #1, #2, ...Each Party", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": false, "strRemarks": "" } ]; public lstDocNoYearFormat: any[] = [ { "intId": 0, "strLabel": "", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": true, "strRemarks": "" }, { "intId": 1, "strLabel": "YY", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": false, "strRemarks": "" }, { "intId": 2, "strLabel": "YYYY", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": false, "strRemarks": "" }, { "intId": 3, "strLabel": "FY Prefix", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": false, "strRemarks": "" } ]; public lstDocNoMonthFormat: any[] = [ { "intId": 0, "strLabel": "", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": true, "strRemarks": "" }, { "intId": 1, "strLabel": "M", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": false, "strRemarks": "" }, { "intId": 2, "strLabel": "MM", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": false, "strRemarks": "" }, { "intId": 3, "strLabel": "MMM", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": false, "strRemarks": "" } ]; public lstDocNoFormatItems: any[] = [ { "intId": 1, "strLabel": "Company", "blnDisable": true, "blnActive": false, "blnMandatory": false, "chrSeparator":"/", "strRemarks": "" }, { "intId": 2, "strLabel": "Branch", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": false, "blnMandatory": false, "chrSeparator": "/", "strRemarks": "" }, { "intId": 3, "strLabel": "Document Code", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": false, "blnMandatory": true, "chrSeparator": "/", "strRemarks": "" }, { "intId": 3, "strLabel": "Number Part", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": false, "blnMandatory": true, "chrSeparator": "/", "strRemarks": "" }, { "intId": 3, "strLabel": "Month", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": false, "blnMandatory": false, "chrSeparator": "/", "strRemarks": "" }, { "intId": 3, "strLabel": "Year", "blnDisable": false, "blnActive": false, "blnMandatory": false, "chrSeparator": "-", "strRemarks": "" } ];
Updated by Anil KV over 2 years ago
CREATE TABLE document.tbl_doc_no_gen_settings ( pk_doc_no_gen_settings_id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, sin_doc_no_generated_by SMALLINT DEFAULT 0,--*1 sin_doc_no_reset_by SMALLINT DEFAULT 0,--*2 sin_allowed_manual_entry SMALLINT DEFAULT 1, sin_allowed_del_docs_manual_entry SMALLINT DEFAULT 1, sin_credit_sale_sharing_docs SMALLINT DEFAULT 3, --*3 sin_cash_sale_sharing_docs SMALLINT DEFAULT 3, --*3 sin_receipt_multi_party_docs SMALLINT DEFAULT 1, --*4 sin_payment_multi_party_docs SMALLINT DEFAULT 1, --*4 sin_dn_cn_docs SMALLINT DEFAULT 1, --*4 sin_no_part_length SMALLINT DEFAULT 3, sin_year_part_format SMALLINT DEFAULT 0, --*5 sin_month_part_format SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 --*6 ) INHERITS(tbl_action_user_and_date_time); --*1 -> 1 = System Wise - INV/001 -- 2 = Compay Wise - Not Use - INV/COM/001 -- 3 = Branch Wise - Default - INV/BTA/001 --*2 -> 0 = No Reset -- 1 = Year Wise - Default -- 2 = Month Wise --*3 -> 1 = Seperate Document Number For Each Sharing -- 2 = Create A Sharing Document And Append #1, #2, ... Other Sharing -- 3 = Append #1, #2, .... In Main Document Number - Default --*4 -> 1 = Seperate Document Number For Each Party - Default -- 2 = Create A Document And Append #1, #2, ... Each Party --*5 -> 0 = -- 1 = YY -- 2 = YYYY -- 3 = FY Prefix --*6 -> 0 = -- 1 = M -- 2 = MM -- 3 = MMMM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Use : Document no parts and order --Ref : --Case: ->Doc Number Prefix(Company and Branch Keep in own table) and FY also --Note: CREATE TABLE document.tbl_doc_no_format ( pk_doc_no_format_id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, int_doc_order INTEGER NOT NULL, sin_system_doc_part SMALLINT NOT NULL, --*1 chr_doc_separator CHAR(1), sin_is_active SMALLINT DEFAULT 0, sin_is_editable SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 ); --*1 -> 1 - Company - Disable -- 2 - Branch -- 3 - Document Code - ON and Disable(Not alloed to OFF) -- 4 - Number Part - ON and Disable(Not alloed to OFF) -- 5 - Month -- 6 - Year
Updated by Anil KV over 2 years ago
- File 1-CsModel.cs 1-CsModel.cs added
- File 2-tsModel.ts 2-tsModel.ts added
- File 3-CsFile.cs 3-CsFile.cs added
- File 4-CsControllerFile.cs 4-CsControllerFile.cs added
- File 5-TsFile.ts 5-TsFile.ts added
- File 6-HtmlFile.html 6-HtmlFile.html added
- File sql.sql sql.sql added
Updated by Shanto Shaji over 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Coding Started
- % Done changed from 0 to 40
Updated by Shanto Shaji over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Coding Started to Particialy Coding Done
- % Done changed from 40 to 30
Updated by Shanto Shaji over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Particialy Coding Done to Reopen Bugs Coding Done
- % Done changed from 40 to 60
Updated by Shanto Shaji over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Particialy Coding Done
- % Done changed from 60 to 40
Updated by Shanto Shaji over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Particialy Coding Done to Coding Done
- % Done changed from 40 to 60
Updated by Amal Cyriac almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 60 to 50
- Tested By set to Amal Cyriac
1.Branch , Company prefix not working while new Doc. Generation
2.Cant remove year prefix
Updated by Shanto Shaji almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to Reopen Bugs Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 60
Updated by Amal Cyriac over 1 year ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 60 to 50
1.Add separator (/) column
( after parameter column)
2.Disable company checkbox
3.Set Example field as dynamic
4.Set to global constant (Variable, Document related values)
Updated by Junaid M over 1 year ago
- Assignee changed from Shanto Shaji to Baseem Shan
Updated by Baseem Shan over 1 year ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to Reopen Bugs Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 60
Updated by unnikannan S over 1 year ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 60 to 50
- Tested By changed from Amal Cyriac to unnikannan S
3.ERROR WHILE ADDING MORE VALUE IN SEPERATER FIELD (Error converting value "//" to type 'System.Char'. Path 'mdlDocumentCodeFormat.lstMdlDocNoFormat3.chrDocSeparator', line 1, position 883.)
Updated by Baseem Shan about 1 year ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to Reopen Bugs Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 60
Updated by Junaid M 7 months ago
1. Add New option in all 4 select box "No Separate Document Number"
2. For Credit Sale And Refund Sharing Document No Generating, Cash Sale And Refund Sharing Document No Generating Default option is "Seperate Document Number for each Sharing".
3. For Rv, Pv, DnCn Default option is "No Separate Document Number"
[Done] - Added in Data service.