Feature #377
openReceipt Single
Module Name: Receipt
Existing Receipt Name: Receipt(+)
1. Like Debit Credit Note UI, Extra Divs belof FOP left side
2. Left Side: Fop
3. Right Side: Party
4. Use same Backend Code
5. Load Only Single Fop,Party Receipt
Related issues
Updated by Anil KV 5 months ago
- Subject changed from Single Receipt UI to Receipt
--> Single FOP, PARTY Receipt UI Like "Debit Credit Note"
--> Sys Name "RECEIPT"
--> Use Receipt's Controller and Cs function for all operations
--> After Completing module. Any Query hard coded module sysname change to IN query and add IN ("RECEIPT_PLUS", "RECEIPT")
--> Change module sys name in Receipt+ ts file
Updated by Arathy PS 4 months ago
- Status changed from Testing Started to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 60 to 50
1. Posting is missing
2. Petty cash account not loading when select cash option as FOP.
3. Party branch and account field should be untick by default.
4. Error after we create a receipt with received cheque and then click copy and try to save.
5. Data missing from bank field when FOP selected as received cheque, bank with cheque option ticked.
6. Can save two receipts with same cheque number, bank and all the data same.
7. Can save receipt when master branch field is blank and party field branch checkbox unticked and then branch field is entered with empty branch field for party.
8. Wrong amount on party side when use different currency with ROE.
9. Precision issue after the first save.
10. Credit card (with customer card) not loading when FOP is selected as credit card.
11. Not clearing receipt number field when entering invalid receipt number.
12. Missing extra collection/discount from the document when reloading the saved document.
Updated by Theja Ponon 4 months ago
- File clipboard-202411181551-mihzv.png clipboard-202411181551-mihzv.png added
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
Updated by Arathy PS 4 months ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to New Changes
1. Add a drop down on the against doc label and name the other field as 'Cheque Conversion'
2. If cheque conversion is selected the against's pop up should be cheque search with status hold and represent.
3. After selecting a cheque from the pop up then in the against text field the selected cheque should show as format ^cheque no:; date; issued bank; full amount(amount in current receipt)
4. As party Set cheque account and account field should be disabled after selecting cheque conversion ( cheque should be act as client)
5. Add a new field 'customer' on the drop down of sub customer field and can enter the party name here while using cheque conversion, it is not mandatory.
6. Mention the work flow of the cheque conversion in the md file.
Updated by Arathy PS 4 months ago
- Status changed from New Changes Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
1. Error on saving a copy of an already saved receipt with FOP as received cheque, bank transfer with received cheque.
2. Error on saving a copy of receipt with FOP as credit card, corporate card.
'invalid transaction termination' -- error message.
3. Data not showing in the bank, clear date, reco no: fields after reconcilation is done.
Updated by Arathy PS 3 months ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
1. Data not showing in the bank, clear date, reco no: fields after reconciliation is done.
2. Can't delete a settled document even though the auto revoke for settlement is selected for the user.
3. Can edit, delete, print and attach in the documents after blocking them in user module privilege.
4. PD cheques deposit date should be after document date.
5. Connect with 'Maximum Days of PD Cheque Received Date' in admin settings.
6. For credit card service charge field is not showing without tax.
7. Own card is loading in fop
1. If Menu service sys name and global constant name is same.
2. Sys name on document no: focus out and after saving.
3. Sys name while redirection.
Updated by Arathy PS 3 months ago
1. Sub customer data gets missing in edit mode.
2. While saving the data with discount/extra pay tally issue occurring.
3. Document search not showing result while searching using party
-- this.mdlDrCrNoteMaster.arlFkReleatedLedgerIds = []; (both in cs and ts)
Updated by Arathy PS 3 months ago
- File clipboard-202412281211-l7ges.jpg clipboard-202412281211-l7ges.jpg added
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to New Changes
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
1. Change Received(Party), FOP
2. When extra pay --Cr, Discount -- Dr
Updated by Arathy PS 2 months ago
- File clipboard-202501081012-pupx8.png clipboard-202501081012-pupx8.png added
- File clipboard-202501081013-xx3df.png clipboard-202501081013-xx3df.png added
- File clipboard-202501081013-fpoln.png clipboard-202501081013-fpoln.png added
1. Wrong currency in the posting of receipt.
2. Data changed when reloaded the document.
3.Own card load in fop
Updated by Augustin Jose 2 months ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to Reopen Bugs Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
Updated by Augustin Jose 2 months ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to Reopen Bugs Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
Updated by Theja Ponon about 2 months ago
- File clipboard-202501231635-8oax4.png clipboard-202501231635-8oax4.png added
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
Issue found
1)Virtual card and upi load only when selecting virtual card in fop dropdown , and Virtual card number field is not showing
2)Corporate card (customer) is not loading
3)Details given on choosing perticular fop is not clearing after changing the fop into another,on try to change as previous fop all the details are loading--in case of upi,Bank deposit
4)Incorrect value in deposit bank field
5)Issue on subcustomer dropdown field
6.After copying the cheque number is not clearing ,after changing the cheque number and saving will generate error
7)Expiry date when FOP is credit card not showing on edit mode.
8)Cant update a receipt after deleting all the document that modify the status of receipt.
9)Same cheque no: should not be allowed even if issued bank is different
Updated by Arathy PS 26 days ago
- File clipboard-202502201012-eszc2.png clipboard-202502201012-eszc2.png added
- File clipboard-202502201012-wmajx.png clipboard-202502201012-wmajx.png added
1. When we give extra collection on a receipt.
2. Incorrect amount when currency is changed in FOP and party.
Updated by Augustin Jose 26 days ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to Reopen Bugs Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
Updated by Arathy PS 22 days ago
- File clipboard-202502241629-l6e9n.png clipboard-202502241629-l6e9n.png added
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
1. Mode of receipt is not showing in the print.
Updated by Augustin Jose 21 days ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to Reopen Bugs Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
Updated by Theja Ponon 15 days ago
- File clipboard-202503031418-b1ojm.png clipboard-202503031418-b1ojm.png added
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
Issue Found
1)on saving with received cheue
Updated by Augustin Jose 15 days ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to Reopen Bugs Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
Updated by Arathy PS 10 days ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
1. Created a main ledger for customer in COA-->Created a customer using main ledger--> deleted the customer--> changed main ledger to ledger--> created a customer using same name and different main ledger-->In receipt when we enter the customer name stille the previous main ledger is showing.
Updated by Augustin Jose 8 days ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to Reopen Bugs Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
Updated by Arathy PS 1 day ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
1. Charge not showing based on the percentage and amount we entered in POS/PG when FOP is corporate/credit card.
2. Load POS/PG based on Fop Currency (If pos/pg currency is different from fop currency then that pos/pg should not be loaded here)
Updated by Augustin Jose about 4 hours ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to Reopen Bugs Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 70