Feature #358
openOriginal issue related features in invoice/refund
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Updated by Junaid M 7 months ago
In Ticket Issue/Cancel GUI Ticket tab -> After Original Issue widget -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Add tooltip on Original Issue "Ticked means allowed -Ve value because Rate reduced on ReIssue. Enter previuos original ticket No. only if the ticket is Re Issue Ticket". coding points --> when fare comes as -Ve. then posting need opposite side entry.ie: Normally supplier is Cr, when -ve come supplier is Dr side. 2. Add widget Sale Original Issue*(Blue star) Entry box | Load Icon [grouped at the end] | 0.00 tooltip on label and widget=> Shows all previous Not sold original issues. these tickets will be added to invoice as sale items. Coding points --> 1. On load icon get all current ticket's not sold original issues ticket datas. 2. Comma seperated ticket numbers. manual entry allowed. 3. store in a new db field: vhr_sale_original_issue VARCHAR 4. Only show this widget if value in Original Issue (above widget) exist. 5. In invoice/Refund -> ticket issue/cancel pop-up Add button click Create ticket issue/cancel object using each original issue tickets (using ticket no in this widget),and push to sale grid(fetch data from server for data like fare on add button or load icon, ...etc). 3. Add widget Print Original Issue*(Blue) Entry box | Load icon [Grouped at the end] --> tooltip: All previous Original Issues (Sold and not Sold) for print --> Coding point: On load icon get all current ticket's original issues. (not sold + sold). --> store in a new db field: vhr_printe_original_issue VARCHAR workflow: Use this data for Invoice/Refund print. In print option pop-up bool settings add --> 1. Merge original issues and Reissues tickets