Feature #356
openSale Pax Grouped Print
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Updated by Junaid M 7 months ago
GUI/Feature Change ------------ 1. Do In all Issue/Cancel Additional pax pop-up -> Add + icon for Create Profile. (on Pax profile autocomplete) -> Add Address At the Last widget: Text area. Need db field vhr_address TEXT. ask junaid. 2. For Sale Pax grouped printing( DoIn all Issue/Cancel Additional pax pop-up) -> Position:- At the last add "Linked Pax" widget:- Grouped checkbox (title=> Ticked means Linked Pax). Entrybox (when checkbox untick)/ Autocomplete (when checkbox is ticked) Need db field :- vhr_linked_pax VARCHAR(50),--* for invoice pax grouped printing -> ask junaid to add db field. coding points:- --> On Add If Linked pax is empty set pax name/profile name to linked pax. --> Autocomplete datasource is all this tickets additional pax names/profile names 3. In Sale/Refund print default format selection is based on Format setted in Pax profile. or Format setted in Customer. (Priority for pax profile)