Feature #317
Package Cancel GUI:-
-> Load Service == Package
->Load Package Category Type == Fixed Packages Only
1) Add Package After Service
2) Remove Ancillary Service, Provider, Country, No Of Items, PNR No
3) Load Period - Not Mandatory
-> Addition Item tab add before Fare Tab
-List - # | Checkbox | Particulars |Fare | Tax | Cost | Fee | Price
- Additional Item Included In print - Checkbox in list title
4) Fare Tab
- Additional Item Fare add to Fare
- Additional Item Tax add to Tax
- Additional Item Service Fee add to Service Fee
- Assignee changed from Amal Siby to Vivekp V
- Status changed from New to Open
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
- Assignee changed from Vivekp V to Aparna Mathew
- Assignee changed from Aparna Mathew to Athul P
- Status changed from Open to Coding Started
- % Done changed from 10 to 30
- Status changed from Coding Started to Coding Done
- % Done changed from 30 to 60
- Status changed from Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 60 to 50
- Tested By set to unnikannan S
1.Validate Batch No
2.Period Add Red Star And Validate
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to Reopen Bugs Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
1.Fix Validation In AP Sharing
FIXED -> 2.Error While Changing Supplier Side Currency
FIXED -> 3.Error On Save
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to New Changes
Add Feature
Load Package Stock Information to Issue/Cancel module. [Hold: Package Stock module not completed]
- Status changed from New Changes to New Changes Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
- Assignee changed from Athul P to Aparna Mathew
- Status changed from New Changes Coding Done to New Changes
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
New Feature Change
1) Add Customer Cost center In Custom Tab [Apply this in All Issue/Cancel Module]
- Assignee changed from Aparna Mathew to Amal Ck
- Status changed from New Changes to Reopen Bugs
1.Bold The Fare Amounts In the Fare Details Tab In Case Of Multiple Currency Transaction (Reffer Package Issue)
2.Clear Values From Pax profile Field In Case Of Invalid Data Adding In Code/Name Fields
3.Correct Fare Values In Case Of Changing Currency Of Supplier
4.Show Save Button In UI While Adding A Issued Voucher
1. In Package Tab --> Reference Employee --> Change to Dropdown Labels.
--> Options are "Ref. Employee", "Ref. Account" (Account--> Customer/Supplier/Comn Agent)
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to Reopen Bugs Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to Reopen Bugs Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Reopen Bugs Testing Done
- % Done changed from 70 to 90
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Testing Done to New Changes
- % Done changed from 90 to 50
Additional Pax
-> Additional Pax Popup - Need Copy <Inputbox> Retore <Checkbox>
->Add 'Import' Button after 'Sequence' button
* Check Account or JV import
- File*(Red) file Chooser
-Left Side
Avoid First Number of Rows <input>
Avoid Last Number of Rows <input>
*Input Pax Type String <input>
Adult <input>
Child <input>
-Right Side Table # | Checkbox Column | Index
Ticket No
Pax Profile
Pax Name(Mandatory)
Pax Type(Mandatory)
Passport No
Date of Birth
Save Settings | Close | Import -> Buttons
-> In Additional Pax Pop-up --> at the end of pax add attachment icon as grouped. click then open attachemnt upload for pax name
-> In Ticket tab -> at the end of pax add attachment icon as grouped. click then open attachment upload for pax name.
- Status changed from New Changes to Reopen Bugs
(DONE)1. Normal Profit of refund should be difference of refund charge and supplier charge and actual profit should be the difference in service fee or other fare components in customer side from sale.
(DONE)2. Can change the mandatory fields filled in package stock after loading them here.
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to Reopen Bugs Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to New Changes
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
Issue ================
1==>In AP Sharing tab,
--> 'Sharing Type' Default 'Customer Corp Card'
--> 'Card Number' --> Mandatory --> Load from Customer Master -- based on Customer and Corporate Account
--> 'Corporate Card*' Set default -> before 'Supplier'
*--in the corporate card entry field Load Only 'UCCF' Corporate Card.
--Expiry Date: - Blue * ??
--Name On Card: - Blue * ??
(DONE)2. Add a new field 'Service Provider' after channel.
1. In the AP sharing tab bottom,
--> Add title on Card Number:- Cardmember Account Number
--> Change 'Name On Card':- Cardmember Name
--> Add `AEME Approval Code` Textbox
- Status changed from New Changes to New Changes Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
Also available in: Atom