Feature #308
openAssets Import
Added by Junaid M about 1 year ago. Updated 8 days ago.
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Assets Import
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Related issues
Updated by Junaid M about 1 year ago
- Assignee changed from travvise Admin to Nithin Raj
Updated by Anil KV 7 months ago
Document No(Master) Date(Master) Purchase Date* Branch(Master) Department(Master) Assets Code* Assets Name Item Code* Item Name* Supplier/FOP Code(Master)* Supplier/FOP Name(Master) Bill Number(Master) Reference(Master) Narration(Master) Note(Master) Depreciation % Last Depreciation Date Particulars Reference Transaction Currency ROE Transaction Purchase Amount Transaction Total Depreciation Amount Transaction Current Asset Value Base Purchase Amount Base Total Depreciation Amount Base Current Asset Value Calculation:- ================ dbl_ledg_cur_price = Transaction Purchase Amount dbl_ledg_cur_input_amount = Transaction Purchase Amount dbl_ledg_cur_vat = 0 dbl_ledg_cur_deduction = 0 dbl_ledg_cur_extra_pay = 0 dbl_ledg_cur_purchase_amount = Transaction Purchase Amount dbl_ledg_cur_depreciation_start_amount = Transaction Purchase Amount dbl_ledg_cur_imported_depreciation = Transaction Total Depreciation Amount dbl_ledg_cur_sys_depreciation = 0 dbl_ledg_cur_sales_retrun_deduction = 0
Updated by Anil KV 7 months ago
Document No(Master) Date(Master) Purchase Date* Branch(Master) Department(Master) Assets Code* Assets Name Item Code* Item Name* Supplier/FOP Code(Master)* Supplier/FOP Name(Master) Bill Number(Master) Reference(Master) Narration(Master) Note(Master) Depreciation % Last Depreciation Date Particulars Reference Transaction Currency ROE Transaction Purchase Amount Transaction Total Depreciation Amount Transaction Current Asset Value Base Purchase Amount Base Total Depreciation Amount Base Current Asset Value Calculation:- ================ dbl_ledg_cur_price = Transaction Purchase Amount dbl_ledg_cur_input_amount = Transaction Purchase Amount dbl_ledg_cur_vat = 0 dbl_ledg_cur_deduction = 0 dbl_ledg_cur_extra_pay = 0 dbl_ledg_cur_purchase_amount = Transaction Purchase Amount dbl_ledg_cur_depreciation_start_amount = Transaction Purchase Amount dbl_ledg_cur_imported_depreciation = Transaction Total Depreciation Amount dbl_ledg_cur_sys_depreciation = 0 dbl_ledg_cur_sales_retrun_deduction = 0
Updated by Augustin Jose 4 months ago
- Status changed from New Changes to New Changes Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
Updated by Arathy PS 13 days ago
- Status changed from New Changes Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
Discuss with anil whether the Import need first two requirements fields,
1. Code and name in same column in excel file :
A checkbox Code and name in same column
Give same column no: for both code and name and if the check box is ticked then an entry box: Split character.
Add tooltip to the fields.
2. If the code is not auto generated and no code in excel file then a check box, No code-- if the check box is ticked then an entry box: code character
add title to the fields.
3. The default action type should be: Remove all and insert.
Updated by Nawal Sidique 8 days ago
- Status changed from New Changes to New Changes Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 70