Feature #306
openAssets Purchase
Added by Junaid M about 1 year ago. Updated 4 days ago.
Related issues
Updated by Nithin Raj about 1 year ago
- Status changed from New to Coding Done
- % Done changed from 0 to 60
Updated by Nithin Raj about 1 year ago
- Status changed from Coding Done to Coding Started
- % Done changed from 60 to 40
Updated by Junaid M about 1 year ago
-> Supplier/FOP - Check Refund Master Client - Need Check section, Card Section etc... -> Add Supplier after Supplier/FOP, If Supplier/FOP == CASH Mode -> Add 'Warranty Expair' Datebox in popup before 'Amount In INR *'
Updated by Junaid M about 1 year ago
-> Pupup - Rename 'Warranty Expires' to 'Warranty Expire' - Add 'Tax Expire' datebox After Warranty Expires - Add 'Insurance Expire' datebox - Add 'Next Service' datebox - Add 'Service Phone' Textbox - Add 'Item Code' entrybox before Sequence Code - Purchase Date*(Blue) - Title= Actual Purchase Date(Assets Import Case) -> Need Checkbox-Title=Imported Assets(Purchase Date Madatory) - Deduction and Extra Pay Checkbox and need(like payment, but tick allowed both at a time) - Add 'A Asset Value*(Blue):0.00'(Title=The value take Depreciation) before 'Total Amount' - Add 'Total Asset Value:0.00' - Add 'A Asset Expense:0.00' - Add 'Total Asset Expense:0.00' - Remove 'Total Amount' - Add 'Total Depreciation' Textbox(Disable) after before 'VAT In QAR' - Add 'Last Depreciation Date' Datebox(Disable) - Add 'Discount, Extrapayment'(Select label) entrrybox in master section after 'Reference' - Add Tittle on Sequence Code (Code will be used to generate unique code to identify item) - Add 'Posting Status: No Posting(Assets Imported)' in master section
Updated by Anil KV about 1 year ago
- Status changed from Coding Started to New
- % Done changed from 30 to 0
Updated by Anil KV 7 months ago
GUI Change
-> Add 'Current Assets Status' label in popup item tab -> label grid/list/table last -> Move 'Last Depreciation Date' to (popup item tab) label grid/list/table last -> move 'Total Depreciation' to (popup item tab) label grid/list/table last - Add 'Current A Assets Value'(Next Depreciation base value - title) in (popup item tab) label grid/list/table last() after 'Total Depreciation' - Add 'Current Branch', 'Current Department' popup item tab) label grid/list/table last -> add 'Current Assets Status' column List(Last) -> Popup-> Purchase Date -> Checkbox title -> 'Tick means imported/Old asset, So purchase date allowed to change, otherwise take master date and Disable' -> 'Depreciation %' inputbox with checkbox(Title->Tick means change the Depreciation %, Otherwise take Assets Master) after 'Depre. Start Date' -> Add 'Enter a Unit Amount' checkbox - Default off before 'Amount In' (Unit > 1 otherwise hide) -> Add 'VAT In INR' after 'Amount In INR' - 'VAT In' Need blue star and Titile:- 'Posting or not based on Admin setting otherwise Just know the Tax Amount, No other use' - Add a checkbox(First in VAT In... entrybox - Grouping also) - Title:-Tick Means Inclusive Tax, Default Tick -> Add drop down label('Depreciation Done on Assets Value' and 'Depreciation Done on Assets Value %') and inputbox after 'Vat In...' -> Item Name mandatory(red *) and Need Auto Complite from - tbl_assests_items_master asset popup ----------- --> popup -> deduction/extra pay tab -> grid -> need total(group wise) --> popup -> jv tab -> grid -> need total
Work Flow
-> 'Depre. Start Date' enable or disable based on 'Allow Change Depreciation Start Date in Assets Purchase' admin settings -> 'Depre. Start Date' Default value 'Depreciation Start Date' admin settings -> 'Depre. Start Date' validation - 'Depre. Start Date' included current 'Depreciation Period' based on Document date or 'Next Depreciation Period start date' based on Document date - 'Depre. Start Date' not allowed Depreciation Done Period dates -> 'Depreciation %' Editable based on assets master checkbox base -> 'Enter a Unit Amount' checkbox showing Unit > 1 otherwise hide -> 'Depreciation Done on Assets Value' and 'Depreciation Done on Assets Value %' enable and disable based on admin settings(Depreciation Done Assets Value Edit Allow to edit in assets Purchase) -> 'Current A Assets Value' calculation - New Entry -> Amount In / No of unit - Update -> dbl_ledg_cur_current_value -> A Asset Value - New Entry -> Amount In / No of unit - Update -> Amount In / No of unit*(1 only) -> A Asset Expense - New Entry -> (Amount In+VAT(Not Inclusive case) + Extra Pay/No of unit - Deduction/ No of unit)/ No of unit - Update -> (Amount In+VAT(Not Inclusive case) + Extra Pay/No of unit - Deduction/ No of unit)/ No of unit*(1 only) -> Update Mode status != Active(Depreciation Not Started) then not allow to edit in pupup -> NOT NEED(sin_assets_previous_status wise solve the issue) -> Create a common DB function fn_get_previous_assets_status(assets_code, item_code, from_module, Depreciation_details_id=0) return - 1, or 2, .. 5 if (from_module == Depreciation) then need Depreciation_details_id and skip the id record -- 1->Active(Depreciation Not Started) -> [No Depreciation, Sold, Write Off] -- 2->Active(Depreciation Started) -> [Exist Depreciation(sin_depreciation_count) and No Sold, Write Off] -- 3->Active(Depreciation Completed) -> [dbl_ledg_cur_current_value <= dbl_depreciation_done_perc(Based on Purchase value)/dbl_depreciation_done_amount and No Sold, Write Off] -- 4->Sold -> [Sold] -- 5->Write Off -> [Write Off] -> Create a common DB function fn_generate_item_code(assets_code, item_code + no_of_unit = 1) - return Item_code, code part, Number_part -Code:- assets.tbl_assets_items->sin_in_code_set_branch_code + assets.tbl_assets_items->vhr_code_prefix + bin_code_part_last_number -Update assets.tbl_assets_items->bin_code_part_last_number + no_of_unit based on assets.tbl_assets_items->sin_in_code_set_branch_code and assets.tbl_assets_items->vhr_code_prefix -Like doc no gen ->dat_depreciation_start-> Date not include depreciation FY/Month(<= dat_depreciation_end)
Updated by Anil KV 7 months ago
->Check Payment/Refund ->Paid Cheque ->Build Naration, Json field items(Bill No, Item no, supplier, particulars, Deduction, Extra ...)->Check Refund/Sale - Comments KEYS in transaction table ->Posting Each Item Wise ->Master Deduction/Extra Payment posting check Refund -> Deduction and Extra Pay item wise posting check payment - More items here ->Normal Doc Date | Assets | Dr Doc Date | Supplier/FOP | Cr ->Imported Doc Date | Assets Ac | Dr -> Purchase Value -if Depreciation Debit Account == Accm Dep Ac Doc Date | Accum Dep ac | Cr -> import(Accm ) Dep Amount -if Depreciation Debit Account == Assets Ac Doc Date | Assets ac | Cr -> import(Accm) Dep Amount Doc Date | OB Control Ac | Cr -> Actual Assets value(Purchase Value-Accum Dep Amount) ->Deduction and Extra Pay - ONE SIDE POSTING Direct -Its Less(Extra Pay) and Add(Deduction) from assets value - So no direct posting -Deduction account Credit -Extra Pay account Debit ->JV - All dr and Cr Tally mandatory -Direct posting
Updated by Arathy PS 4 months ago
- Status changed from Testing Started to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 60 to 50
1. Depreciation % not taken from asset master.
2. Purchase date should be disabled and should be able to change only if it is imported asset which can be changed using tick box.
3. Items not gets added after first set items are added.
4. Amount of previously added items change when new items are added.
5. If the tick box in asset master depreciation field is ticked then shouldn't be able to change in purchase.
6. Can't update already saved purchase.
Updated by Vivekp V 4 months ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to Reopen Bugs Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
1. Depreciation % not taken from asset master.
2. Purchase date should be disabled and should be able to change only if it is imported asset which can be changed using tick box.
3. Items not gets added after first set items are added.
4. Amount of previously added items change when new items are added.
5. If the tick box in asset master depreciation field is ticked then shouldn't be able to change in purchase.
6. Can't update already saved purchase.
Updated by Arathy PS 4 months ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
1. Depreciation status changes to depreciation not started after we update the corresponding asset purchase.
2. Data on the depreciation field not showing when we enter asset items first and focus out.
3. No precision in the amount column.
Updated by Vivekp V 4 months ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to Reopen Bugs Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
1. Depreciation status changes to depreciation not started after we update the corresponding asset purchase.
2. Data on the depreciation field not showing when we enter asset items first and focus out.
3. No precision in the amount column.
Updated by Arathy PS 3 months ago
- File clipboard-202412141410-fdwjg.png clipboard-202412141410-fdwjg.png added
- File clipboard-202412141428-smy8w.png clipboard-202412141428-smy8w.png added
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
1. Amount becomes zero on deduction/extra pay tab after adding or updating the tab so can't save purchase after that.
2. Can't enter alphabets in contact person field in set expire tab.
3. No Update button for data in edit mode of set expire tab and gets added as new data.
4. Can't enter data in reference field.
5. Error while updating the purchase and changed date to previous year.
5. While creating new asset purchase and the journal tab debit and credit entry is not tally and try to add the purchase each time the data gets added in the list.
Updated by Theja Ponon 3 months ago
- File clipboard-202412181219-wwbhk.png clipboard-202412181219-wwbhk.png added
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
Updated by Theja Ponon 3 months ago
- File clipboard-202412181422-ee8yu.png clipboard-202412181422-ee8yu.png added
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
1)List is not clearing after delete
Updated by Theja Ponon 3 months ago
- File clipboard-202412191106-mpwls.png clipboard-202412191106-mpwls.png added
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
Updated by Theja Ponon 3 months ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
issue FIXED
1)correct the error messge when deleting the sold item from the grid and update the document
2)possible to delete asset purchase which include items that are sold
Updated by Theja Ponon 3 months ago
- File clipboard-202501011125-xxgxc.png clipboard-202501011125-xxgxc.png added
- File clipboard-202501011151-kqowv.png clipboard-202501011151-kqowv.png added
- File clipboard-202501011240-xqgid.png clipboard-202501011240-xqgid.png added
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 70 to 50
Updated by Theja Ponon 3 months ago
- File clipboard-202501011308-fqzto.png clipboard-202501011308-fqzto.png added
- File clipboard-202501011310-xfg7m.png clipboard-202501011310-xfg7m.png added
1)On deleting extra pay or deduction incorrect success message showing FIXED
2)In popup grid filter icons are not showing for account column FIXED
3)export pdf button is not working FIXED
4)change the name exporting xlsx on download FIXED
5)currency is not showing on debit FIXED
6)On deduction/extrapay and jv, adding remark on one entry will affect on every entry FIXED
7)check responsible user and employee,account on set expiry tab(incorrct alues are not clearing,account code is not showing on focus out)
8)check add,update button in set expiry
9)Deleting a asset ecpiry from grid after taking on edit mode the values are not clear from entry fields
10)after presssing new, update button is not changes to add in set expiry tab
11)after adding jv,extrapay/deduction,set expiry on any of the item will add on all other items
12)value in VAT in qar is not showing in posting when ticked in admin settings
13)Can enter extra pay/deduction and journal more than 1 unit
14)continuously showing to set discount/extra pay mapping account on saving after setting the mapping accounts
15)Change the name of export pdf/export data
16)tally issue when changing the supplier currency
17)credit limit validation for supplier is not effecting on purchase more than credit limit
18)change the document note icon
19)cant update the document after any of the item in the purchase is sold
20)Issue on changing the depreciation start date and update
Updated by Theja Ponon about 2 months ago
2)Transfer and cheque options are not showing when own bank given as fop