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Bug #277


Common Technical Blockers

Added by Junaid M about 1 year ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

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Keep Description of Common Technical Blockers Faced in TAAS.




Related issues

Updated by Junaid M about 1 year ago

1) Set Document Code (Not Solved)

Newly added Codes in 'Document Code' tab are not getting assigned to the 'Code' field in 'Set Document Code' tab on its Save button click of the Dx-Grid.
Codes edited in ‘Document Code’ tab aren’t reflected in ‘Set Document Code’ tab’s 'Code' field on DX-Grid until ‘Update’ button is clicked. But, they are visible in the Dx-Grid's Select Box.

***Filter On Grid if cellCalculatevalue not working

2. Sales Comparison Report > Grid Issue
>Dynamic column with Grid grouping not working properly
Referred modules - Ledger-Comparison-Report and Currency-Comparison_report. [These module has dynamic column, but no Grid grouping, hence it is working fine. In Sales comparison need Dynamic Column + Grid grouping]

3. Text Editor widget value not able to show as styled html content in grid. [Affected module -> Document Note]

4. Common print code. Currently we have 2 receipt, payment module. both need same print code. now written seperatly. need to reuse a code for both module.
attempted solution:- Service file.

5. In Multiple tab ui (eg: DSR Summary) Column width is rendered differently. not as expected. works only when search click at the time of tab is visible in screen. Need to refresh at the time of search from any tab

6. document submission :- intended work flow : showing all documents with childs if any of the child is not saved in any of the previous submissions but due to to technical implications all select rows clicked all submitted and non submitted rows are being selected. solution is implemented(and commented) but its unticking the rows with a parent rows containing documents which are submitted before . needs to work on this and solutions are to be reviewed.

7.Counter Staff : In the GDS tab, select the Office ID in the first row and save it. Then, take to edit the second row the previously added Office ID will be hidden. Although the saved Office ID is stored in the database, it is not visible in the UI

Actions #2

Updated by Anil KV about 1 year ago

  • Assignee set to travvise Admin
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