Feature #260
openSales Comparison Report
Added by Anil KV over 1 year ago. Updated 5 months ago.
Sales Comparison Report_GUI_CHANGE.jpeg (150 KB) Sales Comparison Report_GUI_CHANGE.jpeg | Anonymous, 07/12/2024 11:32 AM |
Related issues
Updated by Anil KV over 1 year ago
- File Sales Comparison Report_GUI_CHANGE.jpeg added
GUI Change
All inputs check DSR report
->Consider - Mutileslectbox - Sale, Refund -> Tick All Default ->Currency items - All Currency code, + Base1(***) ->Year* to Financial Year* MultiSelectbox and load all Financial Year DESC - tick Current and previous 2 years ->Pax Name to Pax Name~ and set default - down option Pax Profile ->Value move to List title -Price, Supplier Amount, profit keep 3 attributes ->Remove # Column ->Add Sub Grouping selectbox in List title -No Grouping, Mode Of Sale, Customer, Supplier, Cash Counter, Cost Centre, Service
Updated by Anil KV over 1 year ago
Discus with Shanto and Junide
---- Based on Consider SALE -input SELECT TO_CHAR('2023-12-31'::DATE, 'Month') AS str_month; SELECT 'Sale' AS str_type, mofsm.sin_mod_of_sale_type, mofsm.fk_customer_ac_id, mofsm.fk_cash_counter_id, sm.fk_cost_centre_id, spd.fk_supplier_id, spd.fk_service_id, TO_CHAR(spd.dat_sale, 'Month') AS str_month, --Dynamically set spd.dat_issue or spd.dat_sale based on TO_CHAR(spd.dat_sale, 'YYYY') AS str_year -- Dynamically set spd.dat_issue or spd.dat_sale based on doc.fk_branch_id, SUM(spdf.dbl_supplier_amount) AS dbl_supplier_amount, SUM(spdf.dbl_customer_price) AS dbl_customer_price, SUM(spdf.dbl_normal_profit) AS dbl_normal_profit FROM sale.tbl_mod_of_sale mofsm LEFT JOIN sale.tbl_sale_master sm ON mofsm.fk_sale_master_id = sm.pk_sale_master_id LEFT JOIN document.tbl_documents doc ON sm.fk_documents_id = doc.pk_documents_id LEFT JOIN sale.tbl_mod_of_sale_supp_doc mofsd ON mofsm.pk_mod_of_sale_id = mofsd.fk_mod_of_sale_id LEFT JOIN service.tbl_supp_doc_no spd ON mofsd.fk_supp_doc_no_id = spd.pk_supp_doc_no_id LEFT JOIN service.tbl_supp_doc_fare spdf ON mofsd.fk_base_fare_id = spdf.pk_supp_doc_fare_id WHERE doc.int_sys_action_id != -1 GROUP BY mofsm.sin_mod_of_sale_type, mofsm.fk_customer_ac_id, mofsm.fk_cash_counter_id, sm.fk_cost_centre_id, spd.fk_supplier_id, spd.fk_service_id, str_month, str_year, doc.fk_branch_id ORDER BY str_month --or dat_issue based on input UNION ALL -- Based on Consider REFUND - input *REFUND... *..... *.... * WHERE sin_sys_refund_side_status = 4 and/or 5 -- 4 = Void(From Refund GUI) -- 5 = Refund * Refund date or Cancel date use - Base1 Currency LEFT JOIN service.tbl_supp_doc_fare spdf ON mofsd.fk_base_fare_id = spdf.pk_supp_doc_fare_id - Other Currency Case LEFT JOIN service.tbl_supp_doc_fare spdf ON mofsd.fk_cus_ledg_fare_id = spdf.pk_supp_doc_fare_id * Less refund amount from sales
Updated by Anil KV over 1 year ago
- Status changed from New to Open
- Assignee changed from travvise Admin to Baseem Shan
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
Updated by Anil KV about 1 year ago
- Status changed from Open to Ready for Coding
- % Done changed from 10 to 20
Updated by Anonymous 8 months ago
Updated by Nithin PM 8 months ago
- Status changed from Coding Started to Particialy Coding Done
- % Done changed from 30 to 40
status - coding partially done
blockers -1. grid -
- there is a grouping on the grid
- data is visible on the list that given to the grid when it is consoled on ts, But grid is not responding to it.
- Grid data preparing function name - fnSettingGridValues().
- referred modules - Ledger-Comparison-Report and Currency-Comparison_report.
2. Print has to be done.
3. there is functions called fnSetFinancialYearsDefault() and fnSetFinancialYear() for setting default selected year it was working before but it's not working now - the function is called inside the onInit function and its not working, When I called it on inside of other functions its working.
4. Exclude - - where condition on query not given. Not using transaction table on this query
Updated by Nithin PM 7 months ago
1.*Grid Issue*
->Dynamic column with Grid grouping not working properly
Referred modules - Ledger-Comparison-Report and Currency-Comparison_report. [These module has dynamic column, but no Grid grouping, hence it is working fine. In Sales comparison need Dynamic Column + Grid grouping].
2. Print has to be done.
3. there is functions called fnSetFinancialYearsDefault() and fnSetFinancialYear() for setting default selected year it was working before but it's not working now
the function is called inside the onInit function and its not working, When I called it on inside of other functions its working.
4. Exclude -
where condition on query not given. Not using transaction table on this query.