Feature #191
openDocument History
Added by Junaid M almost 2 years ago. Updated 4 days ago.
Related issues
Updated by Junaid M almost 2 years ago
- Assignee changed from Junaid M to Amal Pious
Updated by Amal Pious almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Coding Started
- Start date changed from 05/09/2023 to 05/10/2023
- % Done changed from 0 to 40
Updated by Amal Pious almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from Coding Started to New
- % Done changed from 40 to 0
GUI completed
Updated by Junaid M almost 2 years ago
- Assignee changed from Amal Pious to Junaid M
Updated by Anil KV over 1 year ago
- Assignee changed from Junaid M to travvise Admin
Updated by unnikannan S over 1 year ago
Updated by Anil KV 8 months ago
GUI Changes:-
-> Branch move Right(Under Module) -> Add 'Action Type' before Branch - Multi Selection(Created, Modified, Deleted) -> Alignment -> Check Column Width -> 'Compare' Popup Height Ingress -> All 'New' label change to 'Active' -> 'Period' to 'Document Date' -> Need red star -> 'Account' Active saction widget wrong -> TOP 'Document Date', 'Branch' Need a checkbox Default Untick, - Title:- Tick then Select Old and Active Document Date - Tick Checkbox then Clear and Disable and Expend and Show - 'Document Date', 'Branch' - Mandatory Check based on the checkbox ->Swap Old and Active(1st active)
Updated by Anil KV 8 months ago
WITH tbltmp_sel_document_ids AS ( SELECT pk_documents_id FROM document.tbl_documents WHERE (dtm_created BETWEEN '01-02-2024' AND '15-02-2024' --Action Date OR dtm_last_modified BETWEEN '01-02-2024' AND '15-02-2024' OR dtm_deleted BETWEEN '01-02-2024' AND '15-02-2024') AND dat_document BETWEEN '01-01-2024' AND '31-01-2024' --Document Date OR ACTIVE Document Date AND vhr_sys_module_name = 'RECEIPT' AND vhr_document_no = 'RV/001' AND fk_branch_id IN (1,2,3) --Branch OR ACTIVE Branches --All other Active Filter UNION SELECT DISTINCT fk_documents_id AS pk_documents_id FROM log.tbl_documents_log WHERE (dtm_created BETWEEN '01-02-2024' AND '15-02-2024' --Action Date OR dtm_last_modified BETWEEN '01-02-2024' AND '15-02-2024' OR dtm_deleted BETWEEN '01-02-2024' AND '15-02-2024') AND dat_document BETWEEN '01-01-2024' AND '31-01-2024' --Document Date OR OLD Document Date AND vhr_sys_module_name = 'RECEIPT' AND vhr_document_no = 'RV/001' AND fk_branch_id IN (1,2,3) --Branch OR OLD Branches --All other Old Filter ) SELECT * FROM ( SELECT NULL AS pk_documents_log_id , doc1.pk_documents_id, doc1.vhr_sys_module_name, doc1.fk_branch_id, doc1.fk_department_id, doc1.vhr_document_no, doc1.dat_document, doc1.vhr_file_number, doc1.vhr_batch_number, doc1.vhr_enquiry_no, doc1.vhr_xo_number, doc1.fk_main_ledger_id, doc1.fk_ledger_id, doc1.vhr_ledg_currency, doc1.dbl_ledg_cur_roe, doc1.dbl_total_ledg_amount, doc1.vhr_base_currency, doc1.dbl_total_base_amount, doc1.vhr_reference, doc1.txt_remarks, doc1.vhr_delete_reasons, doc1.int_sys_action_id, doc1.fk_created_user_id, doc1.dtm_created, doc1.fk_last_modified_user_id, doc1.dtm_last_modified, doc1.fk_deleted_user_id, doc1.dtm_deleted FROM document.tbl_documents doc1 INNER JOIN tbltmp_sel_document_ids cte1 ON doc1.pk_documents_id = cte1.pk_documents_id UNION ALL SELECT doclog1.pk_documents_log_id, doclog1.fk_documents_id AS pk_documents_id, doclog1.vhr_sys_module_name, doclog1.fk_branch_id, doclog1.fk_department_id, doclog1.vhr_document_no, doclog1.dat_document, doclog1.vhr_file_number, doclog1.vhr_batch_number, doclog1.vhr_enquiry_no, doclog1.vhr_xo_number, doclog1.fk_main_ledger_id, doclog1.fk_ledger_id, doclog1.vhr_ledg_currency, doclog1.dbl_ledg_cur_roe, doclog1.dbl_total_ledg_amount, doclog1.vhr_base_currency, doclog1.dbl_total_base_amount, doclog1.vhr_reference, doclog1.txt_remarks, doclog1.vhr_delete_reasons, doclog1.int_sys_action_id, doclog1.fk_created_user_id, doclog1.dtm_created, doclog1.fk_last_modified_user_id, doclog1.dtm_last_modified, doclog1.fk_deleted_user_id, doclog1.dtm_deleted FROM log.tbl_documents_log doclog1 INNER JOIN tbltmp_sel_document_ids cte2 ON doclog1.fk_documents_id = cte2.pk_documents_id ) AS tbltmp_documents ORDER BY pk_documents_id, pk_documents_log_id DESC NULLS FIRST;
Updated by Greeshma S 8 months ago
- Status changed from Ready for Coding to Coding Started
- % Done changed from 20 to 30
Updated by Greeshma S 7 months ago
- Status changed from Coding Started to Particialy Coding Done
- % Done changed from 30 to 40
Updated by Arathy PS 5 months ago
- Status changed from Particialy Coding Done to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 40 to 50
1. Data not loading for the date in 'document to date'.
2. Doc. date tick box is selected--> field gets disabled -->click search-->click reset then again search--> the doc date field gets enabled.
3. Searching data based on Doc date is not fetching data properly for past dates.
4. Data showing even if action type created is unticked for documents that had multiple actions.
5. Data showing for the modules that are excluded.
6. No validation for old branch.
7. Delete document is showing two times.
8. When tick mark is selected in branch field, the branch field is not disabled.
9. When a document is deleted two deleted data is showing.
10. Show default data in branch field.--fixed
1. Change last edited document to action and make the font dark green color.
2. Change the font color of created documents to dark blue.
3. Compare button should be below (like sale) and also in grid.
Updated by Greeshma S 5 months ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to Coding Started
- % Done changed from 50 to 30
Updated by Arathy PS 4 months ago
- Status changed from Coding Started to Reopen Bugs
- % Done changed from 30 to 50
1. Doc. history not showing when an action is done on a date other than doc created date.
2. When a document is created and that is its active state then Active (created) in green.
3. When a document is modified and that is its last active state then Active (modified) in green.
Updated by Greeshma S 4 months ago
- Status changed from Reopen Bugs to Reopen Bugs Coding Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 70