???File Path
???Check the points
1) Set Mandatory field "red *" and "required" (Eg:- ; *)
2) Blue* Title/Tooltip Must
3) Account Code and other Codes are allowed only CAPITAL LETTERS
4) Some Components must be grouped Please refere the mentioned ui (items eg: Posting status,Privilage to,document no,Supplier)
5) Be careful with the Component id or name when copying it from other UI, Id or name must be unique and related to the corresponding UI and it must be readable
6) maxlength Must in string field(HTML inputs) based on ...\Models\travel\gdslccModels.cs->MdlGdsCustomFormat
7) Set and Check Language translate
8) Two way binding based on mdlGdsCustomFormat
9.0) In Input REMOVE "text-transform: uppercase" and Set (ngModelChange)="mdl*.* = $event.trim().toUpperCase()" Eg:-
9.1) Set (ngModelChange)="mdl*.* = $event.trim()" for all string input Eg:-
9.2) Allowe only Numbers[0-9] then set ... - Check branch.html
11.1) Right side button Hide and Show based on GUI action mode - Check branch.html
11.2) Right side SAVE button Label change "SAVE" / "UPDATE" - Check branch.html