???File Path
???Check the points
1) Check ...\ClientApp\srcpp\srcaseranchranch.component.ts and ...\ClientApp\srcpp\srcase\company\company.component.ts
2) Main Grouping Must
-> // @@@@@@@ AREA=> FROM HTML INPUT AREA Called Functions(Not Button bar and List) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
-> // @@@@@@@ FROM HTML MAIN LIST Called Functions @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
-> // @@@@@@@ AREA=> FROM HTML BUTTON BAR Called Functions @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
-> // @@@@@@@ AREA=> COMMON Functions @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
3) Set GUI Heading in constructor(Eg:- insGlobalConstants.strGuiHeading = "***";)
4) Set GUI/Menu System Name in constructor(Eg:- insGlobalConstants.strSysModuleName = "***";) based on menu service
5) Set GUI Tittle(Browser Tab) in constructor(Eg:- insGlobalFunctions.fnSetGuiBasedBrowserTitle = "***";)
// ??? Check and Use If you need...
import { Component, OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { DxDataGridComponent } from "devextreme-angular";
import * as globalConstantsService from '../../../services/global-constants.service';
import * as globalFunctionsService from '../../../services/global-functions.service';
import * as globalDataService from '../../../services/global-data.service';
import * as baseDataService from '../../../services/base/base-data.service';
import * as jspdfService from '../../../services/jspdf.service';
import * as menuService from '../../../services/menu.service';
import { MdlSetTarget, MdlReqSetTarget, MdlResSetTarget, MdlResSetTargetInit, MdlResSetTargetList } from '../../../models/travel/target.model';
import { MdlResponse, MdlBaseIntId, MdlReqBaseIntId } from "../../../models/common.model";
import { HttpService } from '../../../services/http.service';
// ??? Check and Use If you need...
export class SetTargetComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {
// ** initialize data
public mdlSetTarget: MdlSetTarget = new MdlSetTarget();
public intActiveSetTargetIndex: number = -1;
// ** Select and Auto-completion
// ??? Remove not use items !!!
lstMdlAccountBaseIntId: MdlBaseIntId[] = [];
lstMdlCounterStaffBaseIntId: MdlBaseIntId[] = [];
lstMdlBranchBaseIntId: MdlBaseIntId[] = [];
lstMdlAirlineMasterBaseIntId: MdlBaseIntId[] = [];
lstMdlHotelMasterBaseIntId: MdlBaseIntId[] = [];
lstMdlFinancialYearBaseIntId: MdlBaseIntId[] = [];
// ** GUI Control
public blnBtnDisabled: boolean = false;
public blnMoreDivExpanded: boolean = false;
// ** SetTarget List
@ViewChild('#idDgSetTargetList') idDgSetTargetList!: DxDataGridComponent;
public lstAllSetTarget: MdlSetTarget[] = [];
public blnDgSetTargetShowFilterRow: boolean = false;
public blnDgSetTargetHeaderFilter: boolean = false;
public intActiveSetTargetListItemIndex = -1;
// ??? If you need, import and create instance other common classes !!!
constructor(public insGlobalConstants: globalConstantsService.GlobalConstantsService,
public insGlobalFunctions: globalFunctionsService.GlobalFunctionsService,
public insGlobalData: globalDataService.GlobalDataService,
public insBaseData: baseDataService.BaseDataService,
private insHttpService: HttpService,
public insJspdf: jspdfService.JspdfService) {
insGlobalConstants.strGuiHeading = 'setTarget';
// ??? Check menu service !!!
insGlobalConstants.strSysModuleName = "SETTARGET_MASTER";
ngOnInit(): void {
this.blnBtnDisabled = true;
document.body.style.cursor = "wait";
// initialize Data Request
.then((mdlResSetTargetInit: MdlResSetTargetInit) => {
if (mdlResSetTargetInit.sinStatus == 1) {
this.lstMdlSetTarget = mdlResSetTargetInit.lstMdlSetTarget;
// ??? Remove not use items !!!
this.lstMdlAccountBaseIntId = mdlResSetTargetInit.lstMdlAccountBaseIntId;
this.lstMdlCounterStaffBaseIntId = mdlResSetTargetInit.lstMdlCounterStaffBaseIntId;
this.lstMdlBranchBaseIntId = mdlResSetTargetInit.lstMdlBranchBaseIntId;
this.lstMdlAirlineMasterBaseIntId = mdlResSetTargetInit.lstMdlAirlineMasterBaseIntId;
this.lstMdlHotelMasterBaseIntId = mdlResSetTargetInit.lstMdlHotelMasterBaseIntId;
this.lstMdlFinancialYearBaseIntId = mdlResSetTargetInit.lstMdlFinancialYearBaseIntId;
} else {
console.log(mdlResSetTargetInit.strMessage + " => " + mdlResSetTargetInit.strErrorCode + ' -> ' + mdlResSetTargetInit.strSysError);
.catch((err: any) => {
console.log("Error->SETTARGET.COMPONENT.TS#001: " + JSON.stringify(err));
document.body.style.cursor = "default";
this.blnBtnDisabled = false;
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
ngOnDestroy() {
// @@@@@@@ AREA=> FROM HTML INPUT AREA Called Functions(Not Button bar and List) @@@@@@@@@@@@@
// ??? AUTO/ENTRY COMPLETE - Set Id[, Code, Name] -> OnFocusOut Event
// ??? Any caculation/Display Based on user inputs
// @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ AREA=> FROM HTML MAIN LIST Called Functions @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
fnOnSetTargetListEditButtonClick(objSelRow: any) {
this.blnBtnDisabled = true;
document.body.style.cursor = "wait";
this.fnSetDataAndGuiEditMode(objSelRow.row.data, objSelRow.row.rowIndex);
document.body.style.cursor = "default";
this.blnBtnDisabled = false;
fnOnSetTargetListRowDblClick(objDblClickRowData: any) {
this.blnBtnDisabled = true;
document.body.style.cursor = "wait";
this.fnSetDataAndGuiEditMode(objDblClickRowData.data, objDblClickRowData.rowIndex);
document.body.style.cursor = "default";
this.blnBtnDisabled = false;
fnOnDgFilterRowEnableDisableClick() {
this.blnDgShowFilterRow = !this.blnDgShowFilterRow;
fnOnDgHeadeFilterEnableDisableClick() {
this.blnDgHeaderFilter = !this.blnDgHeaderFilter;
// @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ AREA=> FROM HTML BUTTON BAR Called Functions @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
async fnOnSaveButtonClick() {
this.blnBtnDisabled = true;
document.body.style.cursor = "wait";
this.fnDefaultView(false, true, true, false);
// Add or Update
try {
// Input Validation
// Input Data set
// Set Save Request Inputs
let mdlReqSetTarget: MdlReqSetTarget = new MdlReqSetTarget();
mdlReqSetTarget.mdlSetTarget = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.mdlSetTarget));
// Request Data Reset
// Save Request
await this.insHttpService.post('Base/Organization/SaveSetTarget', mdlReqSetTarget)
.then((mdlResSetTarget: MdlResSetTarget) => {
if (mdlResSetTarget.sinStatus == 1) {
this.mdlSetTarget = mdlResSetTarget.mdlSetTarget;
if (this.intActiveSetTargetIndex == -1) {
// New Item
this.intActiveSetTargetIndex = this.lstMdlSetTarget.length;
else {
// Update
this.lstMdlSetTarget[this.intActiveSetTargetIndex] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.mdlSetTarget));
//this.lstMdlSetTarget.splice(this.intActiveSetTargetIndex, 1, this.mdlSetTarget);
} else {
this.insGlobalConstants.fnSetErrorMessage(mdlResSetTarget.strMessage, mdlResSetTarget.strSysError);
.catch((err: any) => {
} catch (ex: unknown) {
if (ex instanceof Error) {
//this.insGlobalConstants.strErrorMessages = ex.message;
console.log("Error->SETTARGET.COMPONENT.TS#002: " + ex);
this.fnDefaultView(false, false, true, false);
document.body.style.cursor = "default";
this.blnBtnDisabled = false;
fnOnNewButtonClick() {
this.blnBtnDisabled = true;
document.body.style.cursor = "wait";
this.fnDefaultView(true, true, true, false);
document.body.style.cursor = "default";
this.blnBtnDisabled = false;
async fnOnDeleteButtonClick() {
this.blnBtnDisabled = true;
document.body.style.cursor = "wait";
this.fnDefaultView(false, true, false, false);
// Delete
try {
// Input Validation
if (this.mdlSetTarget.binSetTargetId == null || this.mdlSetTarget.binSetTargetId < 1) {
throw new Error('Select SetTarget for DELETE.');
// Set Delete Request Inputs
let mdlReqSetTargetBaseIntId: MdlReqBaseIntId = new MdlReqBaseIntId();
mdlReqSetTargetBaseIntId.mdlBaseIntId.binPkId = this.mdlSetTarget.binSetTargetId;
mdlReqSetTargetBaseIntId.mdlBaseIntId.binCustomValue = this.mdlSetTarget.intSysActionId;
// Delete Request
await this.insHttpService.post('Base/Organization/DeleteSetTarget', mdlReqSetTargetBaseIntId)
.then((mdlResponse: MdlResponse) => {
if (mdlResponse.sinStatus == 1) {
this.lstMdlSetTarget.splice(this.intActiveSetTargetIndex, 1);
this.fnDefaultView(true, false, false, false);
} else {
this.insGlobalConstants.fnSetErrorMessage(mdlResponse.strMessage, mdlResponse.strSysError);
.catch((err: any) => {
} catch (ex: unknown) {
if (ex instanceof Error) {
console.log("Error->SETTARGET.COMPONENT.TS#003: " + ex);
document.body.style.cursor = "default";
this.blnBtnDisabled = false;
// @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ AREA=> COMMON Functions @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
fnDefaultView(blnClearData: boolean = true, blnClearMessages: boolean = true, blnMoreDivExpanded: boolean = false, blnGotoBottom: boolean = false) {
if (blnClearData) {
this.mdlSetTarget = new MdlSetTarget();
this.intActiveSetTargetIndex = -1;
this.blnMoreDivExpanded = blnMoreDivExpanded;
if (blnClearMessages) {
this.insGlobalConstants.strErrorMessages = "";
this.insGlobalConstants.strSuccessMessages = "";
if (!blnGotoBottom)
else {
fnSetDataAndGuiEditMode(mdlSetTarget: MdlSetTarget, intRowIndex: number) {
this.mdlSetTarget = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mdlSetTarget));
this.intActiveSetTargetIndex = intRowIndex;
this.fnDefaultView(false, true, true, false);
fnInputValidation(mdlSetTarget: MdlSetTarget) {
// ??? CHECK
if (mdlSetTarget.binFinancialYearId == 0) {
throw new Error('Enter/Select Financial Year.');
// ??? CHECK CODE and NAME [Other UNIQUE Fields] Already exists