



From 02/17/2025 to 02/26/2025


07:39 PM TAAS Feature #381 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Collection
Vivekp V
04:25 PM TAAS Feature #381 (Reopen Bugs): Collection
Issue Found
1)On deleting a collection FIXEd
2)values in fields are mis...
Theja Ponon
06:12 PM TAAS Feature #181 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Bank Charge
Greeshma S
12:08 PM TAAS Feature #181 (Reopen Bugs): Set Bank Charge
Issue Found
1)Cant remove the value and save
Theja Ponon
06:04 PM TAAS Feature #76 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Fee/Discount
Sreeranjini T
06:01 PM TAAS Feature #280 (Reopen Bugs): Set Target
1. Parent not loading on clicking new button.
2. A child cannot be par...
Arathy PS
04:48 PM TAAS Feature #46 (New Changes Coding Done): Billing Tax
Nawal Sidique
04:22 PM TAAS Feature #131 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Document Approve
Augustin Jose
03:52 PM TAAS Feature #231 (Reopen Bugs): Supplier Service Wise SOA
1. No main ledger is loading.
2. In the main ledger the items loading should be of...
Arathy PS
03:52 PM TAAS Feature #226 (Reopen Bugs): Customer Service Wise SOA
1. In the main ledger the items loading should be of type main ledger.
Arathy PS
03:51 PM TAAS Feature #225 (Reopen Bugs): Customer Item Wise SOA
1. In the main ledger the items loading should be of type main ledger.
Arathy PS
03:51 PM TAAS Feature #224 (Reopen Bugs): Customer Document Wise SOA
1. In the main ledger the items loading should be of type main ledger.
Arathy PS
03:32 PM TAAS Feature #158: Document Submission
Issue Found
1)note and attachment button enable only after reentering the doc number and focus out .FIXED...
Theja Ponon
02:58 PM TAAS Feature #240 (Reopen Bugs): Supplier Ageing Report
1. Total amount, overdue balance, credit days, average due days and source columns...
Arathy PS
02:16 PM TAAS Feature #272 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Main Ledger Statement
Greeshma S
01:25 PM TAAS Feature #239 (Reopen Bugs): Customer Ageing Report
1. Total amount, overdue balance, credit days, average due days and source col...
Arathy PS
01:19 PM TAAS Feature #230 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Supplier Statement
Augustin Jose
01:00 PM TAAS Feature #215 (Reopen Bugs): Document Query
Theja Ponon
12:56 PM TAAS Feature #156 (New Changes): Transaction Summary Report
New Change
1)Remove ledger from grouping type
2)Add Mainledger/coa , no grouping(show in defualt) in...
Theja Ponon
11:44 AM TAAS Feature #380 (Reopen Bugs): Overdue List
1)On unticking Consider Matching Done After Effective Date
Theja Ponon
10:58 AM TAAS Feature #42 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Hotel
Arathy PS
09:57 AM TAAS Feature #307 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Assets Search
Sreeranjini T
09:41 AM TAAS Feature #221 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): DSR Details
Amal Ck
09:41 AM TAAS Feature #222 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): DSR Summary
Amal Ck
09:36 AM TAAS Feature #218 (New Changes Coding Done): Paid Cheque Query
Sreeranjini T
09:36 AM TAAS Feature #217 (New Changes Coding Done): Received Cheque Query
Sreeranjini T


07:03 PM TAAS Feature #95 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Quotation/Enquiry
Greeshma S
06:37 PM TAAS Feature #91 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Period Locking List
Greeshma S
06:37 PM TAAS Feature #93 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Period Locking
Greeshma S
06:36 PM TAAS Feature #90 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Period Unlocking
Greeshma S
06:36 PM TAAS Feature #92 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Period Unlocking List
Greeshma S
06:36 PM TAAS Feature #268 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Corporate Booking Rules
Greeshma S
09:58 AM TAAS Feature #268 (Reopen Bugs): Corporate Booking Rules
Issue FOund
1)On re entering the same airline and fous out
Theja Ponon
06:28 PM TAAS Feature #131 (Reopen Bugs): Document Approve
1. Add validation if from date is greater than to date.
2. Data not showing while...
Arathy PS
06:22 PM TAAS Feature #230 (Reopen Bugs): Supplier Statement
Issue found
1)Detail header is missing in print
2)blank page create on print of Summary tab
Theja Ponon
06:17 PM TAAS Feature #46 (New Changes): Billing Tax
1. Add a new checkbox after less in price - 'Add in price'
-- at a time...
Arathy PS
09:35 AM TAAS Feature #46 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Billing Tax
Nawal Sidique
06:15 PM TAAS Feature #400: Sale Module New UI Without-Popup
(FIXED)1. Voucher no:'s not showing in the report modules.
(FIXED)2. Quotat...
Arathy PS
05:59 PM TAAS Feature #73 (Reopen Bugs): Sub Ledger
1. Main account not loading.
Arathy PS
05:56 PM TAAS Feature #86 (Reopen Bugs): Package
1. During save/update while creating dynamic packages, the show account tab che...
Arathy PS
04:17 PM TAAS Feature #120 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Received Cheque Cancel
Vivekp V
12:40 PM TAAS Feature #120 (Reopen Bugs): Received Cheque Cancel
1. Can cancel same cheque in different bank at the same time in two different t...
Arathy PS
04:16 PM TAAS Feature #119 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Received Cheque Return
Vivekp V
12:39 PM TAAS Feature #119 (Reopen Bugs): Received Cheque Return
1. Can return same cheque in different bank at the same time in two different t...
Arathy PS
04:16 PM TAAS Feature #118 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Received Cheque Deposit
Vivekp V
12:38 PM TAAS Feature #118 (Reopen Bugs): Received Cheque Deposit
1. Can deposit same cheque in different bank at the same time in two different ...
Arathy PS
04:00 PM TAAS Feature #272: Main Ledger Statement
1. Data missing in the details tab of seyahaty
-------Take backup of seyahat...
Arathy PS
03:47 PM TAAS Feature #272 (Reopen Bugs): Main Ledger Statement
Arathy PS
03:29 PM TAAS Feature #198 (Reopen Bugs): Not Reported Refund
1. Count showing in summary tab and ticket tab is not matching n seyahaty
Arathy PS
01:58 PM TAAS Feature #113 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Journal
Augustin Jose
01:55 PM TAAS Feature #307 (Reopen Bugs): Assets Search
Issue Found
1)Depriciation % show in the derpriciation amount field
2)incorrect table header data
Theja Ponon
12:11 PM TAAS Feature #311: Assets Allocation
Issue Found
1)On reloading after saving multiple entry for same asset item
Theja Ponon
10:04 AM TAAS Feature #77 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Fee/Discount List
Sreeranjini T
09:33 AM TAAS Feature #377 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Receipt Single
Augustin Jose


07:20 PM TAAS Feature #74 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Counter Staff
Sreeranjini T
11:47 AM TAAS Feature #74 (Reopen Bugs): Counter Staff
1. NDC ID and OTHER ID saves identical data for same airline and same service....
Arathy PS
06:44 PM TAAS Feature #81 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): File Open
Baseem Shan
04:38 PM TAAS Feature #110 (Reopen Bugs): Receipt+
1. When we load a receipt in edit mode in one tab while its logged out in another...
Arathy PS
04:30 PM TAAS Feature #377 (Reopen Bugs): Receipt Single
1. Mode of receipt is not showing in the print.
Arathy PS
03:28 PM TAAS Feature #221 (Reopen Bugs): DSR Details
Issue Found
(DONE)1)Against sale doc number on redirection not load in against sale
Theja Ponon
02:52 PM TAAS Feature #268 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Corporate Booking Rules
Greeshma S
02:13 PM TAAS Feature #268 (Reopen Bugs): Corporate Booking Rules
Issue found
1)all customer and customer both enable on new button click
Theja Ponon
02:40 PM TAAS Feature #42 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Hotel
Sreeranjini T
02:23 PM TAAS Feature #92 (Reopen Bugs): Period Unlocking List
1. While clicking search after entering date data is not showing.
Arathy PS
02:22 PM TAAS Feature #90 (Reopen Bugs): Period Unlocking
1. Unlocked period is not showing in the grid even after clicking load but...
Arathy PS
02:12 PM TAAS Feature #91 (Reopen Bugs): Period Locking List
1. While clicking search after entering date data is not showing.
Arathy PS
02:08 PM TAAS Feature #93 (Reopen Bugs): Period Locking
1. While saving a new locking period an extra message is showing.
Arathy PS
02:02 PM TAAS Feature #222 (Reopen Bugs): DSR Summary
Issue Found
(DONE)1)Not showing data when credit is ticked in sale mode
(DONE)2)Change refunding staff ...
Theja Ponon
12:14 PM TAAS Feature #423 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Payment Due Penalty
Augustin Jose
12:06 PM TAAS Feature #46 (Reopen Bugs): Billing Tax
1. On edit mode when we change customer refundale from untick to tick the...
Arathy PS
10:22 AM TAAS Feature #46 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Billing Tax
Nawal Sidique
11:49 AM TAAS Feature #449 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Home Page
11:37 AM TAAS Feature #95 (Reopen Bugs): Quotation/Enquiry
1. Amounts changes after focus out in percentage field or while entering oth...
Arathy PS
11:28 AM TAAS Feature #198 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Not Reported Refund
Sreeranjini T
11:08 AM TAAS Feature #77 (Reopen Bugs): Set Fee/Discount List
1. Not showing data when multiple datas are there for a single category....
Arathy PS
10:43 AM TAAS Feature #290 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Master Grouping
Theja Ponon
10:42 AM TAAS Feature #76 (Reopen Bugs): Set Fee/Discount
1. fixed - Add button not working when we are on edit mode of an already set categor...
Arathy PS
10:19 AM TAAS Feature #60 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Customer
Arathy PS
10:11 AM TAAS Feature #174 (New Changes Coding Done): Visa Issue
Amal Ck
10:11 AM TAAS Feature #185 (New Changes Coding Done): Visa Cancel
Amal Ck
10:10 AM TAAS Feature #317 (New Changes Coding Done): Package Cancel
Amal Ck
10:10 AM TAAS Feature #316 (New Changes Coding Done): Package Issue
Amal Ck
10:03 AM TAAS Feature #197 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Not Reported Sale
Sreeranjini T
09:51 AM TAAS Feature #82 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): File Open List
Sreeranjini T
09:26 AM TAAS Feature #78 (New Changes Coding Done): Voucher Stock
Greeshma S
09:25 AM TAAS Feature #315 (New Changes Coding Done): Package Stock
Greeshma S
09:25 AM TAAS Feature #83 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set File Status
Greeshma S


04:51 PM TAAS Feature #393: Corporate Itemwise Soa
... Arathy PS
04:28 PM TAAS Feature #507: Class Wise Report
Discuss with Anil Arathy PS
04:27 PM TAAS Feature #507 (Coding Done): Class Wise Report
Arathy PS
04:19 PM TAAS Feature #245 (New Changes): Airline Classwise Report
1. Add these new filters : customer, supplier, Airline, showing va...
Arathy PS
04:17 PM TAAS Feature #74 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Counter Staff
Sreeranjini T
03:42 PM TAAS Feature #74 (Reopen Bugs): Counter Staff
1. When clicking cancel for the confirmation message to delete a counter st...
Arathy PS
03:19 PM TAAS Feature #148 (New Changes Coding Done): Supplier Overdue Report
Augustin Jose
03:19 PM TAAS Feature #147 (New Changes Coding Done): Customer Overdue Report
Augustin Jose
03:11 PM TAAS Feature #46 (Reopen Bugs): Billing Tax
1. The billing tax equation set on tax equation module is getting save...
Arathy PS
02:31 PM TAAS Feature #95 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Quotation/Enquiry
Greeshma S
12:59 PM TAAS Feature #95 (Reopen Bugs): Quotation/Enquiry
Change Delete SP
Arathy PS
02:24 PM TAAS Support #152 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Balance Sheet
Augustin Jose
02:19 PM TAAS Feature #113 (Reopen Bugs): Journal
1. When all items are selected to import
Arathy PS
12:58 PM TAAS Feature #341 (New Changes): Print Settings
... Arathy PS
12:39 PM TAAS Feature #423 (Reopen Bugs): Set Payment Due Penalty
Issue found
Theja Ponon
12:03 PM TAAS Feature #2 (Reopen Bugs): Country Master
11:48 AM TAAS Feature #82 (Reopen Bugs): File Open List
Issue Fixed
1)Close and complete status file opens are showing in process status
Theja Ponon
11:20 AM TAAS Feature #42 (Reopen Bugs): Hotel
Issue Fixed
1)Cant update a hotel
Theja Ponon
11:15 AM TAAS Bug #506 (Coding Started): Remove attachment file on account and document modules while delete
Greeshma S
10:23 AM TAAS Bug #506 (Coding Done): Remove attachment file on account and document modules while delete
Arathy PS
11:07 AM TAAS Feature #197 (Reopen Bugs): Not Reported Sale
Issue Found
1)In case of ticking voucher and package stock data comes without consider services
Theja Ponon
10:45 AM TAAS Feature #88 (Reopen Bugs): Attachment

Remove attachment file on account, document delete--- done(common Work)
Arathy PS
09:40 AM TAAS Feature #463 (Coding Started): Custom Data Integrate in Data Push API
Nawal Sidique


06:48 PM TAAS Support #152 (Reopen Bugs): Balance Sheet
1. Message from profit and loss is showing here.
Arathy PS
06:40 PM TAAS Feature #247 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Air Deal Report
Nawal Sidique
04:40 PM TAAS Feature #247 (Reopen Bugs): Air Deal Report
1)Airline is loading when focus out from airline field
Theja Ponon
06:40 PM TAAS Feature #46 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Billing Tax
Nawal Sidique
06:23 PM TAAS Feature #378 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Payment Single
Augustin Jose
06:22 PM TAAS Feature #60 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Customer
Sreeranjini T
12:01 PM TAAS Feature #60 (Reopen Bugs): Customer
Issue Fixed
1)After clicking new corporate booking rule set for previous customer is not clearing
Theja Ponon
04:48 PM TAAS Feature #101 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Air Deal
Greeshma S
04:19 PM TAAS Feature #101 (Reopen Bugs): Set Air Deal
1. When we click on the numeric code field of airline AccesRail is sho...
Arathy PS
04:36 PM TAAS Feature #48 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): User Group
Vivekp V
03:29 PM TAAS Feature #475 (Reopen Bugs): File Close(Dynamic Posting Package)
Issue found
1)Status is not showing - CAN'T REPRODUCE
2)After saving previ...
Theja Ponon
09:35 AM TAAS Feature #475 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): File Close(Dynamic Posting Package)
Nawal Sidique
02:29 PM TAAS Feature #83 (Reopen Bugs): Set File Status
Issue Found
1)Not showing updated by
2)Last status is not changi...
Theja Ponon
12:46 PM TAAS Feature #44 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Service Tax
Arathy PS
12:01 PM TAAS Feature #198 (Reopen Bugs): Not Reported Refund
1)voucher number on redirection not loading in any cancel modules(only load in ticket cance...
Theja Ponon
11:58 AM TAAS Feature #72 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Pax Profile
Greeshma S
11:57 AM TAAS Feature #319 (New Changes Coding Done): Set Corporate Custom Fields
Greeshma S
11:10 AM TAAS Feature #76 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Fee/Discount
Sreeranjini T
10:58 AM TAAS Feature #108 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Billing Tax Equation
Vivekp V
10:26 AM TAAS Feature #402 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Refund Module New UI Without-Popup
Amal Ck
10:10 AM TAAS Feature #505: In Sale/Refund Datapush REST Api Add Fields for Custom Data
1. In Corporate Custom field module there is System Name for each field mapping. use that mapping for integration
2. ...
Junaid M
10:08 AM TAAS Feature #505 (New): In Sale/Refund Datapush REST Api Add Fields for Custom Data
Junaid M
10:08 AM TAAS Feature #504 (New): In GDS Datapush REST Api Integrate Set/Fee Discount Data
Junaid M
10:07 AM TAAS Feature #503: Do not store Transaction table jsn_related_data if same is storing in tbl_supp_doc_no-> jsn_related_data
Use join to supp doc table for the data to show in reports Junaid M
10:06 AM TAAS Feature #503 (New): Do not store Transaction table jsn_related_data if same is storing in tbl_supp_doc_no-> jsn_related_data
Junaid M
09:32 AM TAAS Feature #284 (New Changes Coding Done): Target Tracker
Greeshma S


07:20 PM TAAS Feature #262 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Ledger Summary - Popup
Sreeranjini T
06:54 PM TAAS Feature #46 (Reopen Bugs): Billing Tax
1. In the Loss account field accounts from expense can also be included...
Arathy PS
12:05 PM TAAS Feature #46 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Billing Tax
Nawal Sidique
11:43 AM TAAS Feature #46 (Reopen Bugs): Billing Tax
1. Give red star and validation to profit and loss account.
2. Data ch...
Arathy PS
06:44 PM TAAS Feature #110 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Receipt+
Augustin Jose
06:09 PM TAAS Feature #210 (New Changes Coding Done): Corporate Custom Field
Greeshma S
03:58 PM TAAS Feature #210 (New Changes): Corporate Custom Field
1. Change remarks position to the left side and in its place a new field, Sy...
Arathy PS
06:03 PM TAAS Feature #377 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Receipt Single
Augustin Jose
10:13 AM TAAS Feature #377: Receipt Single
1. When we give extra collection on a receipt.
Arathy PS
06:02 PM TAAS Feature #44 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Service Tax
Augustin Jose
11:12 AM TAAS Feature #44 (Reopen Bugs): Service Tax
1. In the grid change the column name to tax account and in show in the bra...
Arathy PS
11:00 AM TAAS Feature #44 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Service Tax
Arathy PS
05:36 PM TAAS Feature #268 (New Changes Coding Done): Corporate Booking Rules
Greeshma S
05:01 PM TAAS Feature #268 (New Changes): Corporate Booking Rules
New Change
1)Allowed All Customers is unticked then make customer manadatory
2)Add tooltip for cust...
Theja Ponon
05:21 PM TAAS Feature #72 (Reopen Bugs): Pax Profile
Issue found
1)load Booking rules which is allowed for customer given in main account
Theja Ponon
03:39 PM TAAS Feature #72 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Pax Profile
Greeshma S
01:03 PM TAAS Feature #72 (Reopen Bugs): Pax Profile
Issue found
1)Booking rule tab appear in update mode
Theja Ponon
04:14 PM TAAS Feature #77 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Fee/Discount List
Sreeranjini T
03:37 PM TAAS Feature #77 (Reopen Bugs): Set Fee/Discount List
1. While selecting any categories such as customer type, group, category, ...
Arathy PS
04:14 PM TAAS Feature #74 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Counter Staff
Sreeranjini T
10:33 AM TAAS Feature #74: Counter Staff
Issue Found
1)clearing the field of airline after entering an airline, 9B accessrail airline name a...
Theja Ponon
04:07 PM TAAS Feature #319 (New Changes): Set Corporate Custom Fields
1. In the grid after name add another column System name : this sho...
Arathy PS
03:52 PM TAAS Feature #246 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): PLB Report
Athira KK
12:16 PM TAAS Feature #246 (Reopen Bugs): PLB Report
1)airline get filled on the field on reloading the page and clicking on anywhere
Theja Ponon
02:32 PM TAAS Feature #133 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Collection Report
Sreeranjini T
02:09 PM TAAS Feature #76 (Reopen Bugs): Set Fee/Discount
1. Can add percentage value without entering based on and vice versa.
Arathy PS
12:36 PM TAAS Feature #108: Billing Tax Equation
1. Can save without entering percentage with equation only.
2. Can save ...
Arathy PS
12:00 PM TAAS Feature #34 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): IATA Master
Arathy PS
11:58 AM TAAS Feature #475: File Close(Dynamic Posting Package)
1)On clearing the roe field - FIXED
2)On clearing Return t...
Theja Ponon
11:29 AM TAAS Feature #475 (Reopen Bugs): File Close(Dynamic Posting Package)
Theja Ponon
11:25 AM TAAS Feature #217 (New Changes): Received Cheque Query
1. Add a new drop down label near the search field and in the drop down sho...
Arathy PS
11:25 AM TAAS Feature #218 (New Changes): Paid Cheque Query
1. Add a new drop down label near the search field and in the drop down ...
Arathy PS
10:56 AM TAAS Feature #30 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Region Category
Arathy PS
10:09 AM TAAS Feature #378: Payment Single
1. Incorrect amount after converting using ROE when currency changed for bo...
Arathy PS
09:51 AM TAAS Feature #88 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Attachment
Athira KK


06:47 PM TAAS Feature #341 (New Changes Coding Done): Print Settings
Greeshma S
05:58 PM TAAS Feature #341 (New Changes): Print Settings
1. In email tab's body sub tab add Party_Name, Party_Display Name, Party_Code.
Arathy PS
06:31 PM TAAS Feature #46 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Billing Tax
Nawal Sidique
06:25 PM TAAS Feature #112 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Debit Credit Note
Sreeranjini T
06:23 PM TAAS Feature #76 (New Changes Coding Done): Set Fee/Discount
Sreeranjini T
09:56 AM TAAS Feature #76 (New Changes): Set Fee/Discount
Arathy PS
09:49 AM TAAS Feature #76 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Fee/Discount
Sreeranjini T
06:22 PM TAAS Feature #281 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Pop-up Against Docs Search (shared)
Sreeranjini T
12:38 PM TAAS Feature #281 (Reopen Bugs): Pop-up Against Docs Search (shared)
1.FIXED - When searching for a customer in against doc outstanding amount in oth...
Arathy PS
06:21 PM TAAS Feature #215 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Document Query
Sreeranjini T
02:56 PM TAAS Feature #215 (Reopen Bugs): Document Query
1. While searching received cheque deposit document no:
Arathy PS
05:05 PM TAAS Feature #88 (Reopen Bugs): Attachment
Theja Ponon
05:04 PM TAAS Feature #88: Attachment
Issue Found
1)Amount showing in detail without giving amount on attachment
Theja Ponon
04:59 PM TAAS Feature #108 (Reopen Bugs): Billing Tax Equation
Arathy PS
10:31 AM TAAS Feature #108 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Billing Tax Equation
Vivekp V
04:26 PM TAAS Feature #262 (Reopen Bugs): Ledger Summary - Popup
1. Data not showing in the note and general tab for own bank ledger.
Arathy PS
04:05 PM TAAS Feature #44 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Service Tax
Augustin Jose
03:44 PM TAAS Feature #44 (Reopen Bugs): Service Tax
1. No validation for 'Tax payable account' when Service Tax Type is 'Inward e...
Arathy PS
03:18 PM TAAS Feature #81 (Reopen Bugs): File Open
FIXED - 1)After using the visa service it is still remain at pending service list.
Theja Ponon
02:29 PM TAAS Feature #34 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): IATA Master
Athira KK
12:55 PM TAAS Feature #34 (Reopen Bugs): IATA Master
Issue found
1)No tooltip for IATA country but blue start is given
Theja Ponon
12:50 PM TAAS Feature #34 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): IATA Master
Theja Ponon
02:25 PM TAAS Feature #53 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Received Cheque
Theja Ponon
02:24 PM TAAS Feature #53 (Reopen Bugs): Received Cheque
Theja Ponon
02:19 PM TAAS Feature #70 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Cheque Leaf Cancel
Arathy PS
02:17 PM TAAS Feature #319 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Set Corporate Custom Fields
Theja Ponon
02:08 PM TAAS Feature #49 (Reopen Bugs): User
1. Auto revoke, manual revoke privileges for a user is not working. FIXED
2.Module ...
Arathy PS
02:08 PM TAAS Feature #48 (Reopen Bugs): User Group
1. Auto revoke, manual revoke privileges for a user is not working.
Arathy PS
12:24 PM TAAS Feature #133 (Reopen Bugs): Collection Report
Issue FOund
1)Not showing narration in case of cash sale
2)cheque thr...
Theja Ponon
11:09 AM TAAS Feature #50 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Set Main Ledger
Arathy PS
10:43 AM TAAS Feature #423 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Payment Due Penalty
Augustin Jose
10:36 AM TAAS Feature #475 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): File Close(Dynamic Posting Package)
Nawal Sidique
10:22 AM TAAS Feature #290 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Master Grouping
Athira KK
10:01 AM TAAS Feature #30 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Region Category
Sreeranjini T
09:50 AM TAAS Feature #197 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Not Reported Sale
Sreeranjini T
09:49 AM TAAS Feature #217 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Received Cheque Query
Sreeranjini T
09:49 AM TAAS Feature #77 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Fee/Discount List
Sreeranjini T


06:37 PM TAAS Feature #247 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Air Deal Report
Nawal Sidique
04:53 PM TAAS Feature #30 (Reopen Bugs): Region Category
Issue Fixed
1) Service
In new button click Service selection is cleared.
(Select all)
Theja Ponon
04:37 PM TAAS Feature #76 (Reopen Bugs): Set Fee/Discount
New Change
Set Fee/Discount --> Void Charge
[Do after dicuss with Anil]
New Change
Theja Ponon
04:26 PM TAAS Feature #290 (Reopen Bugs): Master Grouping
Issue Found
1)Education becomes enabled on edit mode for other grouping types after saving grouping ...
Theja Ponon
03:33 PM TAAS Feature #238 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Cost Centre Report
Athira KK
02:17 PM TAAS Feature #40 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Service Provider
Theja Ponon
02:16 PM TAAS Feature #97 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): XO Purchase
Theja Ponon
11:47 AM TAAS Feature #502 (New): Update all module print for Arabic support
Arathy PS
09:49 AM TAAS Feature #467 (Coding Done): User Creation REST API
Nawal Sidique
09:49 AM TAAS Feature #464 (Coding Done): Customer/Profile Creation REST API
Nawal Sidique
09:39 AM TAAS Feature #283 (New Changes Coding Done): Target List
Greeshma S


06:41 PM TAAS Feature #223 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Refund/Void Report
Nawal Sidique
06:41 PM TAAS Feature #40 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Service Provider
Nawal Sidique
02:10 PM TAAS Feature #40 (Reopen Bugs): Service Provider
Issue Found
1)GDS is showing for API provider
Theja Ponon
10:07 AM TAAS Feature #40 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Service Provider
Nawal Sidique
06:40 PM TAAS Feature #97 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): XO Purchase
Nawal Sidique
06:30 PM TAAS Feature #70 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Cheque Leaf Cancel
Greeshma S
04:02 PM TAAS Feature #70 (Reopen Bugs): Cheque Leaf Cancel
Issue Found
1)Can cancel a used cheque when select with a active cheque
2)Can restore and change the status ...
Theja Ponon
02:21 PM TAAS Feature #230 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Supplier Statement
Augustin Jose
12:51 PM TAAS Feature #110: Receipt+
Issue found
1)saved data of cheque is not removing from tables after changing the fop to another mode.
Theja Ponon
12:50 PM TAAS Feature #378 (Reopen Bugs): Payment Single
1)Tax and charge are not claculating
2)space between l...
Theja Ponon
12:45 PM TAAS Feature #101 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Air Deal
Greeshma S
12:45 PM TAAS Feature #155 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Bank Book
Greeshma S
11:57 AM TAAS Feature #280 (New Changes Coding Done): Set Target
Greeshma S
11:35 AM TAAS Feature #217 (Reopen Bugs): Received Cheque Query
1)Reco document is not showing in document tab
2)cheque number on redirection load into che...
Theja Ponon
10:50 AM TAAS Feature #449 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Home Page
Vivekp V
10:20 AM TAAS Feature #423 (Reopen Bugs): Set Payment Due Penalty
Issue Found
1)Amount showing left side on print
2)Modified by is not showing in edit mode
3)Change of crea...
Theja Ponon
10:02 AM TAAS Feature #29 (New Changes Testing Done): Admin Settings
Theja Ponon
09:50 AM TAAS Feature #319 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set Corporate Custom Fields
Greeshma S
09:38 AM TAAS Feature #83 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set File Status
Greeshma S

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