



From 09/20/2024 to 09/29/2024


08:17 PM TAAS Feature #135 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Outstanding Customer Report
Baseem Shan
06:33 PM TAAS Feature #247 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Air Deal Report
1.Fix Translation Mistakes In Grid
Vivekp V
05:10 PM TAAS Feature #247 (Reopen Bugs): Air Deal Report
1.Fix Translation Mistakes In Grid
unnikannan S
06:28 PM TAAS Feature #178 (Testing Done): Ticket Search
unnikannan S
06:21 PM TAAS Feature #224 (Testing Done): Customer Document Wise SOA
unnikannan S
06:19 PM TAAS Feature #250 (Testing Done): Customer Productivity Report
unnikannan S
06:08 PM TAAS Feature #249 (Testing Done): Staff Responsible Sales Report
unnikannan S
04:45 PM TAAS Feature #324 (New Changes): Paid Cheque Cancel
The search pop up should be disabled and after clicking search button a...
Arathy PS
04:41 PM TAAS Feature #118: Received Cheque Deposit
The search pop up should be disabled and after clicking search button ...
Arathy PS
04:30 PM TAAS Feature #118 (New Changes): Received Cheque Deposit
Arathy PS
04:36 PM TAAS Feature #285 (New Changes): Paid Cheque Return
The search pop up should be disabled and after clicking search button and da...
Arathy PS
04:35 PM TAAS Feature #120 (New Changes): Received Cheque Cancel
The search pop up should be disabled and after clicking search button and da...
Arathy PS
04:07 PM TAAS Feature #120 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Received Cheque Cancel
1.Load Cheque Party Name In Search Pop Up List
Can't cancel a cheque (steps: Cheque deposit-->Cheque ...
Vivekp V
04:33 PM TAAS Feature #119 (New Changes): Received Cheque Return
The search pop up should be disabled and after clicking search button and da...
Arathy PS
04:18 PM TAAS Feature #218 (New Changes): Paid Cheque Query
The search pop up should be disabled and after clicking search button and da...
Arathy PS
04:13 PM TAAS Feature #217 (New Changes): Received Cheque Query
The search pop up should be disabled and after clicking search button and ...
Arathy PS
12:35 PM TAAS Feature #142: POS & PG Report
Changes:-... Anil KV
11:48 AM TAAS Feature #246 (Testing Done): PLB Report
unnikannan S
11:31 AM TAAS Feature #245 (Testing Done): Airline Classwise Report
unnikannan S
11:23 AM TAAS Feature #67 (New Changes): POS/PG
New Change
Add POS PG Wise grouping In the list
Avinash MS
11:22 AM TAAS Feature #244 (Testing Done): Airline Sales Analysis Report
unnikannan S
11:13 AM TAAS Feature #140 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Main Ledger Report
Baseem Shan
10:52 AM TAAS Feature #2 (Testing Done): Country Master
Arathy PS
10:18 AM TAAS Feature #168: Sale
1. DONE - Loading Issue From Voucher Stock Item To Sale Through Not Reported Module
2. Alre...
Arathy PS


08:33 PM TAAS Feature #169 (Reopen Bugs): Refund
1.Error On Save
unnikannan S
08:28 PM TAAS Feature #29 (Testing Done): Admin Settings
unnikannan S
08:26 PM TAAS Feature #154 (Testing Done): Cash Book
unnikannan S
08:21 PM TAAS Feature #220 (Testing Done): Profit Flow Report
unnikannan S
08:10 PM TAAS Feature #142 (Reopen Bugs): POS & PG Report
1.Load Reco No In List
unnikannan S
08:00 PM TAAS Feature #348 (Reopen Bugs): Voucher Stock Unreported Report
1.Correct Service Name In Print
2.Add Option No Grouping In Grid
unnikannan S
07:52 PM TAAS Feature #236 (Testing Done): Enquiry Report
unnikannan S
07:22 PM TAAS Feature #140 (Reopen Bugs): Main Ledger Report
FIXED - 1.Validate Transaction Date
unnikannan S
07:20 PM TAAS Feature #139 (Testing Done): Posting Summary Report
unnikannan S
07:16 PM TAAS Feature #135 (Reopen Bugs): Outstanding Customer Report
1.Error While Unticking Consider Matching And Search (Fix In All Outstanding Reports)
unnikannan S
06:29 PM TAAS Feature #375 (Reopen Bugs Testing Done): Package Search
Like Other Service Voucher Search Junaid M
06:23 PM TAAS Feature #184: Other Cancel
1) Tax component not loading in tax details field
2) Upon clicking new button...
Arathy PS
06:09 PM TAAS Feature #173 (Reopen Bugs): Hotel Issue
Not loading hotels created in hotel hotel master
Arathy PS
05:08 PM TAAS Feature #134 (Reopen Bugs): Payment Report
1.Show Mode And Currency In Print
unnikannan S
05:02 PM TAAS Feature #133 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Collection Report
Athul P
04:50 PM TAAS Feature #133 (Reopen Bugs): Collection Report
1.Correct The Print Format While Showing Data
unnikannan S
04:19 PM TAAS Feature #156 (Testing Done): Transaction Summary Report
unnikannan S
04:04 PM TAAS Feature #155 (Testing Done): Bank Book
unnikannan S
12:21 PM TAAS Feature #177 (Reopen Bugs): Ticket/Voucher Search
1) Add vouchers from package issue
2) Deleted invoice number is showing.
Arathy PS
11:15 AM TAAS Feature #344 (Coding Done): Assets Expire Report
Sreeranjini T
10:56 AM TAAS Feature #353: Assets Sales Return
Finish Date - 1/10/24 Anil KV
10:42 AM TAAS Feature #186: Transfer Cancel
Work finish 27/09/24 - Billing Tax and Bugs Anil KV
09:34 AM TAAS Feature #196 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Posting Approve
On Posting Approve set login user id in posting approval field in document. (For testing see document query Lab...
Vivekp V


07:15 PM TAAS Feature #154 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Cash Book
Greeshma S
06:51 PM TAAS Feature #154 (Reopen Bugs): Cash Book
1.Remove Period(Clear)From Print Add Period Only
unnikannan S
07:09 PM TAAS Feature #351 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Set PLB Target
Greeshma S
03:32 PM TAAS Feature #351 (Reopen Bugs): Set PLB Target
1.Show Months In UI Orderly
2.Error In Save
unnikannan S
06:29 PM TAAS Feature #153 (Testing Done): Profit & Loss Report
unnikannan S
06:27 PM TAAS Support #152 (Testing Done): Balance Sheet
unnikannan S
06:09 PM TAAS Feature #237 (Reopen Bugs): GDS Unreported Report
Issue Found
Partially range data not found
Avinash MS
06:04 PM TAAS Feature #151 (Testing Done): Trial Balance
unnikannan S
05:56 PM TAAS Feature #232: Merged Ledger Statement
Wrong Display
Anil KV
05:47 PM TAAS Feature #232: Merged Ledger Statement
Wrong Display
Anil KV
05:36 PM TAAS Feature #232 (Reopen Bugs): Merged Ledger Statement
1.In Case Of Month Wise Merging Data Show As (January-December)
unnikannan S
05:02 PM TAAS Feature #63: Employee
GUI Changes - For Whatsapp phone number
Personal Tab -> Phone
-> Split phone Entry box to two entr...
Augustin Jose
05:02 PM TAAS Feature #62: Commission Agent
GUI Changes - For Whatsapp phone number
Personal Tab -> Phone
-> Split phone Entry box to two entr...
Augustin Jose
05:01 PM TAAS Feature #61: Supplier
GUI Changes - For Whatsapp phone number
Personal Tab -> Phone
-> Split phone Entry box to two entr...
Augustin Jose
04:54 PM TAAS Feature #287 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Integration Tracker
Augustin Jose
04:13 PM TAAS Feature #287 (Reopen Bugs): Integration Tracker
1.Correct The Search Button Icon
unnikannan S
04:36 PM TAAS Feature #367 (Testing Done): Connect Account Delete Reason Based on Admin Settings
unnikannan S
04:27 PM TAAS Feature #150 (Testing Done): Ledger Statement
unnikannan S
03:54 PM TAAS Feature #104 (New Changes): Ticket/Voucher Note
Junaid M
03:54 PM TAAS Feature #103 (New Changes): Document Note
Junaid M
03:54 PM TAAS Feature #102 (New Changes): Account Note
Junaid M
03:50 PM TAAS Feature #196 (Reopen Bugs): Posting Approve
On Posting Approve set login user id in posting approval field in document. (For testing see document query Label Val... Junaid M
03:48 PM TAAS Feature #29 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Admin Settings
Baseem Shan
03:47 PM TAAS Feature #98 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): XO Purchase List
Baseem Shan
12:59 PM TAAS Feature #224 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Customer Document Wise SOA
Athul P
12:50 PM TAAS Feature #235 (Testing Done): Supplier Sales Analysis Report
unnikannan S
12:18 PM TAAS Feature #234 (Testing Done): Supplier Sale & Refund Report
11:23 AM TAAS Feature #374 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): In All Document GUI - Add Note Button
In All Document GUI - Add Note Button
Button Opens a pop-up of Document note gui
10:13 AM TAAS Feature #314 (Coding Done): Assets Query
Augustin Jose


06:37 PM TAAS Feature #49 (New Changes Coding Done): User
Designation field >> Select Box
Vivekp V
05:18 PM TAAS Feature #233 (Reopen Bugs): BSP Statement
1.Not Loading Data That Directly Saved In Cancel Modules
unnikannan S
05:17 PM TAAS Feature #29 (Reopen Bugs): Admin Settings
1.Clear The Item Ancillary Fare From (Sale And Refund--Fare Components In GUI)
unnikannan S
03:40 PM TAAS Feature #137 (Testing Done): Outstanding Document Report
Avinash MS
11:39 AM TAAS Feature #137 (New Changes Coding Done): Outstanding Document Report
Baseem Shan
03:32 PM TAAS Feature #75 (New Changes Coding Done): Airline
Vivekp V
03:25 PM TAAS Feature #231 (Testing Done): Supplier Service Wise SOA
unnikannan S
02:23 PM TAAS Feature #8 (Testing Done): Currency Master
Arathy PS
10:27 AM TAAS Feature #8 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Currency Master
1) Can change code of already used currency.
2) On edit, If code of currency not from...
Vivekp V
12:37 PM TAAS Feature #230 (Testing Done): Supplier Statement
unnikannan S
12:17 PM TAAS Feature #1 (Testing Done): Branch Master
Arathy PS
11:53 AM TAAS Feature #308 (Coding Started): Assets Import
Nithin PM
11:45 AM TAAS Feature #265 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Document User Permission
Not able to reproduce Augustin Jose
11:40 AM TAAS Feature #138 (New Changes Coding Done): Outstanding Reference Report
Baseem Shan
11:39 AM TAAS Feature #136 (New Changes Coding Done): Outstanding Supplier Report
Baseem Shan
11:39 AM TAAS Feature #135 (New Changes Coding Done): Outstanding Customer Report
Baseem Shan
11:33 AM TAAS Feature #162 (Coding Started): BSP Reco Tracker
Athul P
11:29 AM TAAS Feature #158 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Document Submission
1) No validation if to date is greater than from date.
2) Data not showing includi...
Vivekp V
10:39 AM TAAS Feature #158 (Reopen Bugs): Document Submission
1) No validation if to date is greater than from date.
2) Data not showing includi...
Arathy PS
10:53 AM TAAS Feature #316 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Package Issue
Aparna Mathew
10:52 AM TAAS Feature #95 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Quotation/Enquiry
SSUE fixed
1) No pop up asking delete reason
2) Add Delete reason mandatory or not mandatory ...
Vivekp V
10:38 AM TAAS Feature #21 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Ticket Stock
Aparna Mathew


07:02 PM TAAS Feature #227 (Testing Done): LPO Waiting Report
unnikannan S
06:05 PM TAAS Feature #95 (Reopen Bugs): Quotation/Enquiry
1) No pop up asking delete reason
2) Add Delete reason mandatory or not mandato...
Arathy PS
04:34 PM TAAS Feature #8 (Reopen Bugs): Currency Master
1) Can change code of already used currency.
2) On edit, If code of currency not fro...
Arathy PS
04:26 PM TAAS Feature #228 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Customer Sale & Refund Report
Athul P
02:49 PM TAAS Feature #228 (Reopen Bugs): Customer Sale & Refund Report
1.Missing Data From Other Issue/Cancel Vouchers
unnikannan S
04:26 PM TAAS Feature #225 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Customer Item Wise SOA
Athul P
03:18 PM TAAS Feature #21 (Reopen Bugs): Ticket Stock
1) No validation when start number and end number is zero
2) Maximum character...
Arathy PS
03:06 PM TAAS Feature #173 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Hotel Issue
Aparna Mathew
03:03 PM TAAS Feature #96 (Testing Done): Quotation/Enquiry List
Arathy PS
03:00 PM TAAS Feature #96 (Reopen Bugs): Quotation/Enquiry List
Arathy PS
03:02 PM TAAS Feature #98 (Reopen Bugs): XO Purchase List
Current status filter not showing results when XO items are selected
Arathy PS
02:35 PM TAAS Feature #176: Transfer Issue
Tax component not loading in tax details field
Arathy PS
02:33 PM TAAS Feature #316 (Reopen Bugs): Package Issue
Tax component not loading in tax details field
Arathy PS
01:24 PM TAAS Feature #27 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Chart Of Account
1.Add Attachment Button For Ledger Accounts
2.Should be on edit mode when redirected...
Vivekp V
12:19 PM TAAS Feature #171 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): ADM/ACM Adjustment
Aparna Mathew
12:11 PM TAAS Feature #170 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): ADM/ACM Master
Aparna Mathew
10:45 AM TAAS Feature #352 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Assets Items
Nithin PM
10:06 AM TAAS Feature #344 (Coding Started): Assets Expire Report
Sreeranjini T
09:52 AM TAAS Feature #1 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Branch Master
1) Change the tooltip for the parent branch field
2) Data showing on the parent column...
Vivekp V
09:43 AM TAAS Feature #353 (Coding Started): Assets Sales Return
Greeshma S


07:00 PM TAAS Feature #173 (Reopen Bugs): Hotel Issue
1.Load Period Date To Customer SOA Report (Consider Hotel Cancel Also)
unnikannan S
06:22 PM TAAS Feature #42 (Reopen Bugs): Hotel
Hotel code get auto completed in Supplier hotel name tab
Arathy PS
06:00 PM TAAS Feature #225 (Reopen Bugs): Customer Item Wise SOA
1.Change Service Multy Select Box To New Format
unnikannan S
04:08 PM TAAS Feature #345 (Coding Done): Set Assets Expire
Sreeranjini T
04:01 PM TAAS Feature #224 (Reopen Bugs): Customer Document Wise SOA
fixed -> 1.Show Service Period In List dd/mm/yy Format
fixed -> 2.Not Loading Hotel Voucher Service Pe...
unnikannan S
02:47 PM TAAS Feature #1 (Reopen Bugs): Branch Master
1) Change the tooltip for the parent branch field
2) Data showing on the parent column...
Arathy PS
01:12 PM TAAS Feature #1 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Branch Master
Arathy PS
09:39 AM TAAS Feature #112 (New Changes): Debit Credit Note


05:11 PM TAAS Feature #321 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Package Stock List
Greeshma S
12:03 PM TAAS Feature #321 (Reopen Bugs): Package Stock List
Not updating the used column upon using packages from package stock
Arathy PS
04:33 PM TAAS Feature #169 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Refund
Aparna Mathew
04:10 PM TAAS Feature #38 (New Changes): Set Print Paper
Add Copy Button right side Junaid M
04:07 PM TAAS Feature #315 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Package Stock
Greeshma S
11:54 AM TAAS Feature #315 (Reopen Bugs): Package Stock
Add Feature
Load Package Stock Information to Issue/Cancel module. [Hold: Package Stock module not...
Arathy PS
02:24 PM TAAS Feature #241 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Turn Over Report
Sarath Krishnan
01:15 PM TAAS Feature #349 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Package Stock Unreported Report
Sreeranjini T
12:48 PM TAAS Feature #218 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Paid Cheque Query
Bertin Joseph
12:19 PM TAAS Feature #348 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Voucher Stock Unreported Report
Sreeranjini T
12:09 PM TAAS Feature #311 (Particialy Coding Done): Assets Allocation
Baseem Shan
11:25 AM TAAS Feature #128 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Matching/Settlement
Junaid M
11:10 AM TAAS Feature #110 (New Changes): Receipt+
Junaid M
11:01 AM TAAS Feature #118 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Received Cheque Deposit
1.Created Data Missing In Action Button List
2.Blocking Update In Case Of Clearing Cheque Item From L...
Vivekp V
10:28 AM TAAS Feature #221 (New Changes): DSR Details
Athul P
10:27 AM TAAS Feature #222 (New Changes): DSR Summary
Athul P
10:24 AM TAAS Feature #243 (New Changes): Airline Sales and Refund Report
Athul P
10:17 AM TAAS Feature #262 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Ledger Summary - Popup
Meljo Sunny


06:55 PM TAAS Feature #121 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Document Search
Baseem Shan
10:31 AM TAAS Feature #121 (Reopen Bugs): Document Search
NOT A BUG - Data showing when 'created at' date is before 'period date'.
Arathy PS
06:37 PM TAAS Feature #248 (Testing Done): Ancillary Sales Reports
unnikannan S
06:33 PM TAAS Feature #305 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Assets Master
Nithin PM
05:48 PM TAAS Feature #278 (Reopen Bugs): Card Reconciliation
Issue on updating an already reconciled file
Arathy PS
03:30 PM TAAS Feature #288 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Document Tracker
Sarath Krishnan
03:18 PM TAAS Feature #222: DSR Summary
1.Allow Act As Client,Supplier Accounts In Auto Completion Field
2.Freeze The Sub Customer Code Fie...
unnikannan S
03:17 PM TAAS Feature #221 (Reopen Bugs): DSR Details
FIXED -> 1.Allow Act As Client,Supplier Accounts In Auto Completion Field
FIXED -> 2.Freeze The Sub Cu...
unnikannan S
02:05 PM TAAS Feature #317 (New Changes Coding Done): Package Cancel
Athul P
12:49 PM TAAS Feature #197 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Not Reported Sale
Athul P
12:03 PM TAAS Feature #299 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Group Sale
Aparna Mathew
12:02 PM TAAS Feature #284 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Target Tracker
Greeshma S
11:48 AM TAAS Feature #314 (Coding Started): Assets Query
Augustin Jose
10:13 AM TAAS Feature #129 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Document Reversal
Aparna Mathew
10:11 AM TAAS Feature #129: Document Reversal
Documents that are already submitted can also be reversed
Arathy PS
10:06 AM TAAS Feature #232 (Particialy Coding Done): Merged Ledger Statement
To Do:
Debit-Credit Wise Grouping
Opening Balance Position While Grouping:- must be in top,
Augustin Jose
09:30 AM TAAS Feature #114 (Reopen Bugs Coding Done): Cash Transfer
1.Clear The Item Cash Balance: From UI
Vivekp V
09:27 AM TAAS Feature #82 (Testing Done): File Open List
unnikannan S

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